Friday, May 15, 2020

曼煎糕 Crispy Peanut Sesame Pancake

酥脆薄曼煎糕 Crispy Peanut Sesame Pancake


CMCO(Conditional Movement Control Order )期间连曼煎糕也有机会做,而且还能一而再, 再而三的做了几次来“研究”粉的用量和比例所带出的口感,太爽了!做了几次后,婆妈心得就是看男女人们要什么口感,要酥脆就一定要加粘米粉但玉米粉的用量又不能太多,不然感觉一冷就没了酥脆感(趁热吃就OK)。有机会可能得做一次完全不用玉米粉的看结果怎样...😉☺️😋


{材料} 自发面粉200克,粘米粉90克,玉米粉10克,食用苏打粉1茶匙,鸡蛋两粒,细红糖70克,玉米油1汤匙,清水420毫升。

{馅料}黑芝麻花生糖粉, 牛油和甜玉米酱适量。


1. 先将鸡蛋,糖和清水搅拌均匀后筛入粉料拌均再加入玉米油,静置待发至少一小时。(时间许可,可以考虑2-3小时;不然晚上准备好,隔天早上再煎也行。)

2. 等待发过程时,可以把馅料-黑芝麻花生糖粉准备好。黑芝麻干锅以中小火炒香(一分钟就好)后再加入烤好已去皮的花生和糖放入搅拌机中搅至个人喜爱的口感。

3. 不粘平底锅预热后转小火,不用放油倒入适量的面糊,面糊会起很多小洞洞,撒上黑芝麻花生糖粉,加入甜玉米酱和少许牛油,煎成饼皮呈金黄色即可折半盛起。(重复此步骤直到面糊用完。)

Crispy Peanut Sesame Pancake

{Ingredients} Self-raising flour x 200g, rice flour x 90g, corn flour x 10g, baking soda x 1 tsp, eggs x 2, granulated brown sugar x 70g, corn oil x 1 tbsp, water x 420ml.

{Fillings} Black sesame, peanut, sugar, some salted butter and sweet cream corn.


1. In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg, sugar and water well only sifted in all the flours to ensure all well-combined, follow by pour in the corn oil to mix until get a smooth batter, put aside for proof at least 1 hour. (If got time, can let it sit for 2-3 hours or prepare at late evening for overnight to fry only next morning.)

2. While waiting the proof process, get ready the filling’s ingredient especially the roasted black sesame peanuts. Black sesame stir-fry for 1 mins under medium low heat in a dry pan, add together with the roasted skinless peanuts in a blender to blend with sugar for fine roasted black sesame peanuts filling. (According to personal preference.)

3. Heated non-stick frying pan till hot and turn to low heat, pour in some batter and evenly coated the pan, some small bubbles will be form, sprinkle up the black sesame peanuts filling, follow by sweet cream corn and salted butter, loosen the pancake and fold to half when you see pancake is golden brown. Remember to serve hot. (Repeat this step till all batter is finished.)

Previous: 黑芝麻红糖花生麻薯 Black Sesame Brown Sugar Peanut Mochi (Mua Chee)

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