Saturday, May 30, 2020

红豆牛奶冰淇淋 Red Bean Milk Ice Cream

红豆牛奶冰淇淋 Red Bean Milk Ice Cream
想把婆妈心里“最原始”的古早味红豆冰淇淋留给天使们,她们口中的冰淇淋🍦很少会是这个模样的。材料简单,有了高压锅更是省时省力。好奇心重的她们只要有关于吃的,大多数都很赏脸而且还给了我很多个👍,不过这次一直问为什么这种冰淇淋要吃很久的呢...(等ice cream 融化等到她们累喔😓)哈哈哈哈哈!


{材料} 红豆和清水适量,牛奶300毫升,红糖30-40克,糯米粉25克(也可用玉米淀粉代替)。


1. 红豆洗净,加入适量刚好盖过红豆的清水, 放入高压锅煮熟即可备用。(或是红豆提前一晚洗净泡水,隔天加入适量盖过豆子的水煮到红豆熟,请煮到豆子开花哦。) 

2. 锅中倒入牛奶,红糖和糯米粉以小火慢煮,不停的搅拌至比较浓稠就可以了。 

3. 煮好的牛奶水和煮好的红豆搅拌混合均匀,倒入模具中,放入冰箱冷冻4-6小时或隔夜即可享用啦。

Red Bean Milk Ice Cream 

{Ingredients} Some red bean and water, milk x 300ml, brown sugar x 30-40g, glutinous rice flour x 25g (Can be replace by corn starch). 


1. Wash read bean, add in the water just enough to cover the bean, cook in pressure cooker till cooked. (Alternately please soaked red bean overnight, next day cook the red bean with right amount of water that just cover the bean till cooked.) 

2. In a pot, slow cook the milk, brown sugar and glutinous rice flour till thickening. 

3. Mix the milk with cooked red bean till well combined, pour into the moulds, freeze for 4-6 hours or overnights before enjoy it.

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