Sunday, September 13, 2020

清炒山药云耳 Stir Fried Cloud Ear and Chinese Yam

清炒山药云耳 Stir Fried Cloud Ear and Chinese Yam
山药云耳挺合拍的,是天使们少了“视觉”效果依然捧场的菜肴之一。黑木耳其实也叫云耳,就是木耳的一种,英文版也有几个版本的名字。这次用“Cloud Ear”纯粹是因为black fungus用久了忘了它还有另几个名字,给自己上上课多认几个名词。呵呵😄


{材料} 山药丁(用加了一点盐的沸水川烫一下,过冷水备沥干用),云耳适量(泡软半小时后切块状),蒜碎 ½ 茶匙,姜碎一点。

{调味料} 鲍鱼汁1茶匙,高汤6-8汤匙,白醋几滴,盐和胡椒粉适量,玉米淀粉水2汤匙勾芡用(1汤匙玉米淀粉 vs 2 汤匙清水)。


1. 起1汤匙橄榄油锅爆香蒜姜碎后,加入山药,云耳和调味料(除了玉米淀粉水)煮滚后再加入玉米淀粉水转小火煮大约3-5分钟左右即可。

Stir Fried Cloud Ear and Chinese Yam

{Ingredients} Diced Chinese yam (blanch over with boiling water that add with some salt, rinse with cold water, drain well and set aside), some cloud ear (soaked till tender for about 30 mins, cut into bite size pcs), chopped garlic x ½ tsp, a pinch of chopped ginger.

{Seasonings} Abalone sauce x 1tsp, , broth x 6-8 tbsp, white vinegar few drops, some salt and pepper, corn flour solution x 2 tbsp (1tbsp of corn flour vs 2 tbsp of water).


1. Heat up 1 tbsp of cooking oil to saute chopped garlic and ginger till fragrant, add in Chinese yam, cloud ear, seasonings (except corn flour solution) and bring it to boil, follow by add in corn flour solution and cook in low heat for about 3-5 mins. Serve hot.

Previous: 芝士南瓜肉碎鸡蛋盖饭 Cheese, Pumpkin, Meat and Egg Rice Bowl

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