Friday, April 18, 2014

万能蒜葱辣椒酱鸡翅 Multipurpose Stir-fry Sauce Chicken Wings



{材料} 鸡翼8只 (洗净, 背面割两刀以便入味) , 万能蒜葱辣椒酱1/2杯

{腌料A}酱油1/2茶匙,黑酱油1/2 茶匙,可乐1杯,绍兴酒1小匙

{腌料B} 姜片与青葱段适量, 盐, 糖与胡椒粉少许


1. 鸡翼用腌料A腌至少2小时, 然后倒掉.

2. 再用腌料B腌上半小时后, 姜葱去掉。

3. 起油锅把万能蒜葱辣椒酱炒香备用。

4. 烤盘上铺上铝箔纸, 将腌好的鸡翅放上排好, 涂上炒香的万能拌炒酱在鸡翅的双面。

5. 预热烤箱200◦C/400◦F,上下火中层烤10-15分钟或至熟即成。

Multipurpose Stir-fry Sauce Chicken Wings

{Ingredients} Chicken wings x 8 (washed), multipurpose stir-fry sauce x ½ cup

{Marinades Sauce A} Soy sauce x ½ tsp, black soy sauce x ½ tsp, cola x 1 cup, Shao xing wine x 1 tsp

{Marinades Sauce B} Some ginger slices, green onion sectioned, salt, sugar and pepper.


1. Marinate chicken wing with sauce A for at least 2 hours, then drain it well.

2. Continue marinate with sauce B for at least 30 mins, discard the ginger slices and green onion.

3. Heat up some oil to fragrant the multipurpose stir-fry sauce, set aside.

4. Put a piece of aluminium foil on top of baking tray, put in the chicken wings and apply a layer of the multipurpose stir-fry sauce on both sides of the wing.

5. Preheated oven , bake in middle of oven at 200◦C/400◦F for 10-15 mins or until cooked, serve hot.

Previous:番薯玉米肉碎粥 Meat with Sweet Potatoes and Corn Congee

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