Saturday, December 7, 2019

夏南瓜腐竹炒冬粉 Fried Glass Noodle with Zucchini and Dried Beancurd Sticks

夏南瓜腐竹炒冬粉 Fried Glass Noodle with Zucchini and Dried Beancurd Sticks


{材料} 粉丝(泡软或过热水川烫一分钟左右),夏南瓜丝,腐竹(泡软切丝),胡萝卜丝,香菇丝,鸡蛋1粒,肉碎2-3汤匙(加点芝麻油和胡椒粉腌5分钟),蒜碎和小红葱碎。

{调味料} 酱油1茶匙,豆瓣酱 ½ 茶匙,高汤 ½ 杯 。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜葱碎, 加入香菇丝,夏南瓜丝,肉碎,腐竹丝和胡萝卜丝和调味料拌炒均匀。

2. 然后,加入粉丝拌炒1-2分钟左右后加入鸡蛋炒均匀或至汁收干即可。

Fried Glass Noodle with Zucchini and Dried Beancurd Sticks

{Ingredients} Glass noodle (Soaked till tender or blanch over with hot water for 1 mins), shredded zucchini, dried beancurd sticks( soaked till tender and shredded), shredded carrots, shredded shiitake mushroom, egg x 1, minced pork x 2-3tbsp (marinate with some sesame oil and pepper for 5 mins), chopped garlic and shallots.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, bean paste x ½ tsp, broths x ½ cup.


1. Heat up frying pan with some oil to saute chopped garlic and shallot till fragrant, add in mushroom, zucchini, minced pork, dried beancurd stick and carrot plus seasonings to stir-fry till well combined.

2. Then, add in glass noodle to continue stir-frying for about 1-2 mins only add in egg to cook till gravy is thickening, serve hot.

Previous:双蔬虾薄饼 Dual-veggies Shrimp Pancake

Friday, November 15, 2019

双蔬虾薄饼 Dual-veggies Shrimp Pancake

双蔬虾薄饼 Dual-veggies Shrimp Pancake
Theirs "pizza" times...她们口中思思念念的比萨🍕,不断重复:“妈咪,好好吃哦!”这样的鼓励法,婆妈的我怎能不投降呢?!😅🙈🤣


{材料} 胡萝卜碎3汤匙(预先蒸10分钟或至熟),生菜丝适量,虾6只(切小块状),鸡蛋1粒,全麦面粉6汤匙,玉米淀粉2汤匙,水大约90-100毫升,无盐牛油1汤匙。

{调味料} 酱油,胡椒粉少许。


1. 全部材料(除了牛油)和调味料充分搅拌均匀,静置20分钟备用。

2. 取一平底锅加入牛油,把所有面糊倒入双面煎成金黄色即可。(有时间和耐心爆棚时,一勺勺的慢慢煎也行,哈哈哈!)

Dual-veggies Shrimp Pancake

{Ingredients} Some chopped carrots (steamed cook for about 10 mins), some shredded lettuce, shrimp x 6 (cut into bite-sized pcs), egg x1, whole grain flour x 6 tbsp, corn flour x 2 tbsp, water x 90-100ml, unsalted butter x 1 tbsp.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce and pepper.


1. Mix all ingredients (except butter) and seasonings till well combined, let it sit aside for 20 mins.

2. Heat up unsalted butter in frying pan, pour in the mixture to fry till both sides change to golden yellow colour, serve hot. (If got time and patience, can slowly fry to serve with pieces.)

Previous: 清热解毒野菊花茶 Wild Chrysanthemum Tea

Friday, November 1, 2019

清热解毒野菊花茶 Wild Chrysanthemum Tea

清热解毒野菊花茶 Wild Chrysanthemum Tea 



{材料} 野菊花蕾适量,日本大创(Daiso)茶袋两个。

{调味料} 冰糖和清水适量。


1. 把菊花蕾装入茶袋至9分满,用水洗一洗就注入适量的清水和冰糖。

2. 然后,按下高压锅的“煲汤“功能即可。

Wild Chrysanthemum Tea

{Ingredients} Some chrysanthemum flowers, Daiso tea bag x 2.

{Seasonings} Some rock sugar and water.


1. Put the chrysanthemum flowers into the tea bags, rinse with water and add in right amount of water and rock sugar.

2. Then, press “soup” button on pressure cooker to cook it, served hot or cold according to personal preference.

Previous:四季豆杏鲍菇炒蛋 French Bean and King Oyster Mushrooms Omelette

Sunday, October 20, 2019

VC43 Cafe

VC43 cafe, Penang.
天使们眼中的Rainbow color!

很久没写关于“吃喝玩乐”这一part啦,别问我为什么那么有兴致写此家,或许因为第一次去是为了庆祝特别有意义的生日🎂(那时妹妹还特地在面子书预定留桌)。最意想不到的是这家算新的cafe竟然能让我在短期内二度拜访哟, 算“大事”一件,得写一写留下纪念。

目前这里有Hungry BowlTik Tac Toast两个品牌的入驻, 供食客们自由选择搭配菜单上的食材与酱料等,不想想多多的男女人们可以选择菜单上店家的主打推荐,不用“烦”要选什么配料和酱料,这里的食材新鲜“艳丽”(天使们口中念不停的rainbow color,呵呵!)这里也有些Homemade的甜品供选择 (蛋糕和Uji Matcha Ice Cream还没试吃过。) 身为甜品控的我还没品尝过任何一件有点说不过去,下次肯定再度登门拜访。(已经想好理由再去了,哈哈!)

舒服自在的环境下用餐是种难能可贵的享受, 那架摆着有尊雕刻精美王子头像的钢琴据说有百年之久耶!
菜单上店家推荐的鸡肉Hungry Bowl
Mocha与菜单上店家推荐的香菇Toast(面包选Charcoal),Cheese Kato(面包选wholemeal)
第一次去自选的Chicken Floss炭烤土司,只加Mayonnaise也很可口了。
这是直接点店家的Cheese Kato,天使们一直说好好吃,很Yummy哦,太捧场啦!

关于VC43 Cafe:

地址:43 , Jalan Padang Victoria , George Town 10400 , Pulau Pinang
Pinang George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
电话☎️:018-397 4806

Friday, October 18, 2019

四季豆杏鲍菇炒蛋 French Bean and King Oyster Mushrooms Omelette

四季豆杏鲍菇炒蛋 French Bean and King Oyster Mushrooms Omelette
3种简易材料, 就一菜肴。


{材料} 杏鲍菇(洗净切碎), 四季豆(洗净,切丁在加了点盐和几滴橄榄油的沸水中川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干备用), 鸡蛋4粒(加点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),小红葱碎。

{调味料} 酱油1 茶匙,无盐蔬菜高汤2汤匙,调成综合酱汁备用。


1. 起油锅将小红葱碎爆香,加入杏鲍菇和四季豆丁拌炒一下,加入综合酱汁拌炒2-3分钟。

2. 然后倒入鸡蛋液,煎至双面金黄色即可。

French Bean and King Oyster Mushrooms Omelette

{Ingredients} Some king oyster mushroom Iwashed and chopped), French bean (washed and diced, blanch over boiling water that add with a pinch of salt and few drops olive oil for about 1 mins, drain and set aside.), eggs x 4 (beaten with some soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), chopped shallots.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, unsalted vegetables broth x 2 tbsp, mix till well-combined.


1. Heat up oil to saute chopped shallots, add in diced baby king oyster mushroom and French bean to stir-fry a while, follow by pour in the seasonings to continue stir-frying till mix well for approximately 2-3 mins.

2. Then pour in the egg mixture, fry till both sides turn to golden yellow, serve hot.

Previous: 冰糖红枣枸杞炖木瓜 Papaya, Goji Berry and Red Dates Dessert Soup

Saturday, October 5, 2019

冰糖红枣枸杞炖木瓜 Papaya, Goji Berry and Red Dates Dessert Soup

冰糖红枣枸杞炖木瓜 Papaya, Goji Berry and Red Dates Dessert Soup (Tong sui)


{材料}木瓜1粒(洗净去皮切块状),枸杞适量(洗净), 红枣5粒(洗净,去核切半)。



1. 将全部材料和调味料放入高压锅中,按下高压锅煮汤功能,25分钟左右就煮好啦。

Papaya, Goji Berry and Red Dates Dessert Soup

{Ingredients} Papaya x 1 (washed, peeled and cut into bite sized), some goji berries (washed), red dates x 5 (washed, cut into half.)

{Seasonings} Some rock sugars (according to personal taste.)


1. Put all the ingredients and seasonings inside the pressure cooker, press “soup” button to cook for about 25 mins. Serve hot.
***If got pandan leaves, knotted and put inside to cook together will have a natural fragrant!

Previous: 紫薯山药金针菇粥 Congee with purple sweet potato, chinese yam, and enoki mushroom

Saturday, September 28, 2019

紫薯山药金针菇粥 Congee with purple sweet potato, chinese yam, and enoki mushroom

紫薯山药金针菇粥 Congee with purple sweet potato, chinese yam, and enoki mushroom


{材料}紫薯1粒(洗净去皮切块状,泡清水10分钟左右沥干备用),山药半根(洗净去皮切块状), 金针菇1包(洗净,切小段状),白米1杯。



1. 将白米洗净后,加入全部材料和调味料。

2. 按下高压锅煮粥功能,25分钟左右粥就煮好啦。

Congee with purple sweet potatoes,chinese yam, and enoki mushroom

{Ingredients} Purple sweet potato x 1 (washed, peeled and sectioned, soaked in water for 10 mins, drain well and set aside), chinese yam x ½ stick (washed, peeled and sectioned), enoki mushroom x 1 pack (washed, cut into sectioned), white rice x 1 cup.

{Seasonings} Sesame oil x 1 tsp, water x 7 cups (According to person’s preferences towards cooked congee condition.)


1. Rinse rice, add in all the ingredients and seasonings.

2. Then, pressure cook for about 25 mins. Stir and serve hot.

Previous: 秋葵双菇番茄炒意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Okra, Mushroom and Tomato

Friday, September 13, 2019

秋葵双菇番茄炒意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Okra, Mushroom and Tomato

秋葵双菇番茄炒意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Okra, Mushroom and Tomato


料超多的Angel Hair pasta搞定了,可以准备开吃啦😋!
意面又时间到了,Angel Hair Pasta口感很好,我们家除了它比较少见到其它类型啦。


{材料} 意大利面条(适量,用加了 ½ 茶匙盐和橄榄油的沸水中煮到喜欢的口感,捞起沥干备用。),秋葵/羊角豆3条(洗净,切片用蒸锅蒸8分钟左右备用),鸡蛋3粒(加点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散和炒熟备用),胡萝卜丁(用蒸锅蒸10-12分钟左右备用),香菇2朵(洗净泡软,切丝),鸿禧菇半包(洗净切小块备用),番茄丁3汤匙,鸡肉丝(用一点酱油和胡椒粉腌5分钟),蒜葱碎适量。

{调味料} 盐 ½ 茶匙,无盐蔬菜高汤 ½ 杯,混合香料1汤匙和黑胡椒粉适量。


1. 热2大匙的牛油和一汤匙橄榄油爆香蒜葱碎,加入香菇,鸿禧菇,番茄丁和鸡肉丝拌炒至鸡肉变色,加入高汤煮1分钟。

2. 然后放入意面和其它调味料拌炒均匀后再加入胡萝卜丁,秋葵和鸡蛋拌炒一下即可。

Angel Hair Pasta with Okra, Mushroom and Tomato

{Ingredients} Angel hair pasta (cook with boiling water that add with ½ tsp salt and olive oil, drain well and set aside), okra x 3 (washed and sliced, steam cooked for about 8 mins), eggs x 3 (beaten with some soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil, fry till both sides turn golden yellow, set aside), diced carrots (steam cooked for 10-12 mins),shiitake mushroom x 2 (washed and soaked till tender, sliced), beech mushroom x ½ pack (washed and chopped), diced tomatoes x 3 tbsp, shredded chicken ( marinate with some soy sauce and pepper for 5 mins), some chopped garlic and shallots.

{Seasonings} Salt x ½ tsp, unsalted vegetables broth x ½ cup, mixed herbs x 1 tbsp and some black pepper.


1. Heat up 2 tbsp of butter and 1 tbsp of olive to sauté chopped garlic and shallot, add in mushroom, tomatoes and chicken to stir frying till sliced chicken is change colour, add in unsalted vegetables broth to cook for 1 min.

2. Then, add in cooked pasta and other remaining seasonings to continue stiring till well combined only add in cooked carrot, okras and eggs, serve hot.

Previous: 菠菜马铃薯米饭鸡蛋饼 Ricecake with Spinach, Potato and Egg

Friday, September 6, 2019

菠菜马铃薯米饭鸡蛋饼 Ricecake with Spinach, Potato and Egg

菠菜马铃薯米饭鸡蛋饼 Ricecake with Spinach, Potato and Egg


{材料} 米饭半碗,马铃薯1粒(洗净去皮切块状,预先蒸熟备用),菠菜适量(沸水中加点油和盐川烫1分钟,沥干切碎),鸡蛋1粒,全麦面粉6汤匙,玉米淀粉3汤匙,清水适量(大约100毫升),无盐牛油1汤匙。

{调味料} 酱油一茶匙和胡椒粉少许。


1. 全部材料(除了牛油)充分搅拌均匀,静置20分钟备用。

2. 取一平底锅加入牛油,把所有面糊倒入双面煎成金黄色即可。

Ricecake with Spinach, Potato and Egg

{Ingredients} Cooked rice x half cup, potato x 1 (washed, peeled and cut into bite-sized, steam cooked), some spinach (blanch over with boiling water that add with some olive oil and salt, drain well and set aside), egg x1, whole grain flour x 6 tbsp, corn flour x 3tbsp, water x approximately 100 ml, unsalted butter x 1 tbsp.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp and some pepper.


1. Mix all ingredients (except butter) till well combined, let it sit aside for 20 mins.

2. Heat up unsalted butter in frying pan, pour in the mixture to fry till both sides change to golden yellow colour, serve hot.

Previous: 炖罗汉果 Stewed Luo Han Guo (Monk's Fruit)

Friday, August 30, 2019

炖罗汉果 Stewed Luo Han Guo (Monk's Fruit)

炖罗汉果 Stewed Luo Han Guo (Monk's Fruit)


{材料} 罗汉果(优质的一颗,洗净)


1. 罗汉果洗干净后,用手按几下再冲冲水,放入炖锅中,注入8分满的水盖好。

2. 饭锅注入适量的水,放入炖锅,用“slow cook”功能炖上8-10小时。

Stewed Luo Han Guo (Monk's Fruit)

{Ingredients} Luo han guo x 1 (Premium, washed)


1. Wash the luo han guo, then press it with your palm, put it into cooker with right amout of water.

2. Then, pour in some water around the cooker to make it as a steam bath effect during “slow cook” function for about 8-10 hours . Remember to serve hot.

Previous:高丽菜萝卜香菇干贝排骨汤 Cabbage Shiitake Scallop Ribs Soup With Carrot

Saturday, August 10, 2019

高丽菜萝卜香菇干贝排骨汤 Cabbage Shiitake Scallop Ribs Soup With Carrot

高丽菜萝卜香菇干贝排骨汤 Cabbage Shiitake scallop ribs soup with carrot


{材料} 高丽菜丝,胡萝卜块,排骨适量,香菇两朵(洗净泡软,切丝),干贝适量。

{调味料} 盐少许。


1. 全部材料准备好后,放入高压锅中注入适量的水按键煲大约半小时左右,加入调味料拌匀即可趁热享用。

Cabbage Shiitake Scallop Ribs Soup with Carrot

{Ingredients} Shredded cabbage, carrots (sectioned), some pork ribs, shiitake mushroom x 2 (soaked tender, shredded), some dried scallop.

{Seasonings} Salt to taste.


1. Preparing all ingredients, put all into pressure cooker with right amout of water, press “soup” button to cook for about 30 mins, season with salt and serve hot.

Previous:南瓜肉丝 Pumpkin Pork Stir-fry

Friday, August 2, 2019

南瓜鸡肉丝 Pumpkin Chicken Stir-fry

南瓜鸡肉丝  Pumpkin Chicken Stir-fry


{材料} 南瓜丝, 鸡肉丝(用一点酱油,黑酱油和芝麻油腌5分钟),蒜碎。

{调味料} 蔬菜高汤半小碗。


1. 烧热1大汤匙油锅将蒜碎爆香,加入肉丝和南瓜丝拌炒一会。

2. 然后,倒入蔬菜高汤小火慢煮8-10分钟即可。

Pumpkin Chicken Stir-fry

{Ingredients}Shredded pumpkin, shredded chicken (marinate with some soy sauce, black soy sauce and sesame oil for 5 mins), chopped garlic.

{Seasonings} Vegetable broth x ½ bowl.


1. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil in wok to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in shredded chicken and pumpkin to stir fry for a while.

2. Then, pour in vegetable broth to simmer cook for 8-10 mins and serve hot.

Previous:香菇鸡肉蛋炒饭 Mushroom Chicken Egg Fried Rice

Sunday, July 28, 2019

香菇鸡肉蛋炒饭 Mushroom Chicken Egg Fried Rice

香菇鸡肉蛋炒饭 Mushroom Chicken Egg Fried Rice



{材料}白饭适量,香菇四朵(浸软,切丁), 鸡肉片(用芝麻油和料酒腌5分钟),胡萝卜丝, 鸡蛋4粒(加点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),水煮青菜丝(随意搭配),蒜碎。



1. 先1汤匙油把鸡蛋炒熟,盛起备用。

2. 再烧热2-3大汤匙油锅将蒜碎爆香,加入香菇丁,鸡肉和胡萝卜丝以中火快炒至大约七分熟。

3. 然后,将白饭与调味料加入继续中火拌炒至松散后加入做法1的鸡蛋拌一拌即可。

Mushroom Chicken Egg Fried Rice

{Ingredients} Cooked rice, mushroom x4 (soaked till tender, diced), sliced chicken (marinate with some sesame oil and Shaoxing wine), shredded carrots, eggs x 4 (beaten with some soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), some boiled shredded green veggies(personal preferences), chopped garlic.

{Seasonings} Salt x 1 tsp, mushroom powder x 1 tsp, vegetable broth x 3 tbsp and a pinch of pepper.


1. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil to fry the egg mixture till cooked, set aside.

2. Heat up another 2-3 tbsp of oil in wok to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in diced mushroom, chicken and shredded carrot o stir fry over medium heat till well mixed.

3. Add in cooked rice and seasonings over other cook in progress ingredients to continue stir-fry until aromatic only add in method 1 cooked egg to mix them well, serve hot.

Previous: 山药枸杞杂蔬粥 Congee with chinese yam, goji berries and mixed veggies

Sunday, July 21, 2019

山药枸杞杂蔬粥 Congee with chinese yam, goji berries and mixed veggies

山药枸杞杂蔬粥 Congee with chinese yam, goji berries and mixed veggies


{材料}Baby杏鲍菇(洗净切片),山药半根(洗净去皮切块状), 胡萝卜1根(洗净去皮切块状),枸杞2汤匙(洗净),白米1杯。

{调味料} 盐 ½ 茶匙,无盐蔬菜高汤 ½ 杯,芝麻油1汤匙,清水7杯(看个人对粥煮好后的黏稠度的喜好)


1. 将白米洗净后,加入全部材料和调味料。

2. 按下高压锅煮粥功能,25分钟左右美味健康的暖胃粥即可开吃啦。

Congee with chinese yam, goji berries and mixed veggies

{Ingredients} Some baby king oyster mushroom (washed and sliced), chinese yam x ½ stick (washed, peeled and sectioned), carrots x 1(washed, peeled and sectioned), goji berries x 2 tbsp (washed), white rice x 1 cup.

{Seasonings} Salt x ½ tsp, unsalted vegetables broth x ½ cup, sesame oil x 1 tbsp, water x 7 cups (According to person’s preferences towards cooked congee condition.)


1. Rinse rice, add in all the ingredients and seasonings.

2. Then, pressure cook for about 25 mins and serve hot.

Previous:杏鲍菇青菜蛋包 Baby King Oyster Mushrooms and green veggies Omelette

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