Wednesday, October 28, 2020

椰糖双色大黑子燕菜果冻 Gula Melaka Basil Seeds Jelly



{第一层} 椰浆100毫升,水250毫升,椰糖35克, 燕菜粉1 ½ 茶匙,即溶果冻粉 ½ 茶匙。 


1. 椰浆,清水,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀后加入椰糖,中火煮至椰糖溶化,过程中不停地轻轻搅拌.

2. 煮沸后熄火泡冷水降温(如果用自来水当冷水,降温过程中请更换至少3次水),倒入模具中,放入冰箱速冻5分钟(这时请煮第二层),取出在表面划满刮痕。 

{第二层} 水200毫升,椰糖20克, 燕菜粉 ½ 茶匙,即溶果冻粉 ½ 茶匙, 大黑子1汤匙 (泡热水5分钟)。


1. 清水,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀后加入椰糖,中火煮一会加入大黑子煮至椰糖溶化,过程中不停地轻轻搅拌. 

2. 煮沸后熄火泡冷水降温(如果用自来水当冷水,降温过程中请更换至少3次水),倒入模具中,放入冰箱冷藏至少三小时或过夜才脱模。 


Gula Melaka Basil Seeds Jelly 

{1st Layer} Coconut milk x 100ml, water x 250ml, gula melaka x 35g, agar powder x 1 ½ tsp, jelly powder x ½ tsp. 


1. Mix coconut milk, water, agar powder and jelly powder well before putting in cooking pot, follow by add in gula melaka, cook under medium heat until fully dissolved continue to stirring while waiting it boiling. 

2. Bring to boil, then soak in cold water (if use tap water as cold water, pls change at least 3 times) to reduce heat, pour the cooked mixture into the cake mold, and keep frozen for 5 mins (please cook 2nd layer while waiting), lightly scratch the surface once done quick freeze. 

{2nd Layer} Water x 200ml, gula melaka x 20g, agar powder x ½ tsp, jelly powder x ½ tsp, basil seeds x 1 tbsp (soaked  in hot water 5 mins).


1. Mix water, agar powder and jelly powder well before putting in cooking pot, add in gula melaka, cook under medium heat a while only add in basil seeds to cook until gula melaka fully dissolved,  continue stirring. 

2. Bring to boil, then soak in cold water (if use tap water as cold water, pls change at least 3 times) to reduce heat, pour the cooked mixture into the mold, and keep refrigerated for at laest 3 hours or overnight. 

***If wish to know the exact mililiter of waters, please fill the mold with water and pour into measurement cup to know the total ml that needed.

Friday, October 23, 2020

双色小馒头 Little Dual Colour Steamed Bun



 {紫色材料} 紫薯水25克(25克水+ ½ 茶匙紫薯粉), 面粉50克,干酵母0.5克,红糖3克,油(玉米油或其它植物)1茶匙。 

{绿色材料} 斑兰水25克(25克水+ ½茶匙斑兰粉), 面粉50克,干酵母4克,红糖3克,油(玉米油或其它植物)1茶匙。 


1. 每份面团,捏成絮状,再继续捏成光滑面团(大约15分钟左右)。 

2. 两份面团都盖上湿布让面团发酵成双倍大(大约40-50分钟),按下去不会回弹即是发酵好了。 

3. 将发酵好了的两份面团各擀一擀排气(有能力就充分的揉搓均匀5分钟后再擀),擀成面片状后,用饼干模器切出造型小馒头,放入已经铺上一层防油纸的蒸锅中休面10-15分钟左右。 

4. 然后,蒸锅蒸12-15分钟左右即可。 

***喜欢甜一些的,请自行加糖的份量至10克。不同牌子面粉的吸水量也不同,面团太干:请多加一点水; 面团太湿:就加一点粉。 

Little Steamed Bun 

{Purple Color Ingredients} Purple sweet potato water x 25g (water x 25g + ½ purple sweet potato powder), flour x 50g, instant yeast x 0.5g, brown sugar x 3g, corn oil (or other vegetable’s oil) x 1 tsp. 

{Green Color Ingredients} Pandan water x 25g (water x 25g + ½ purple sweet potato powder), flour x 50g, instant yeast x 0.5g, sugar x 3g, corn oil (or other vegetable’s oil) x 1 tsp. 


1. Mix all both ingredients well in 2 different mixing bowl until it form a smooth round dough (about 15 mins each portion). 

2. Both doughs cover with wet cloth and let it be prove until double it’s size. (take about 40-50mins.) 

3. Stretching and flattening both doughs (if possible knead for additional 5 mins 1st), cut into desired shape using cookies cutters, place the shaped doughs onto the steamer that layer with greaseproof paper, rest for 10-15 mins. 

4. Then, steam for about 12-15 mins. 

***Sugar according to personal preference, love sweeter, please add till 10 g. Different brands flour have different water absorption level, dough too dry: add slightly more water; dough too wet: add slightly more flour. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

豇豆丁九层塔炒蛋 Fried Eggs with Basil and Meat




{材料} 鸡蛋2粒(加 ½ 茶匙酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),豇豆丁,萝卜丝,九层塔适量(切小块状),蒜葱碎适量。 

{调味料}酱油 ½ 茶匙. 


1. 起油锅爆香蒜葱碎后,调入酱油 ,加入豇豆丁拌炒一下。 

2. 接着加入九层塔和萝卜丝继续拌炒。 

3. 然后,加入鸡蛋液翻炒至熟即可。 

Fried Long Bean Eggs with Basil 

{Ingredients} Eggs x 2 (beaten with ½ tsp soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), diced long bean, shredded carrots, some basil, some chopped garlic and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x ½ tsp 


1. Saute chopped garlic and shallots till fragrant, season in soy sauce, add in diced long bean to stir-fry a while. 

2. Follow by add in basil and carrots to continue stir-frying. 

3. Then, pour in egg mixture to stir-fry till fully cooked and serve hot. 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

豇豆丁肉丝炒蛋 Fried Long Bean Eggs with Meat




{材料} 鸡蛋2粒(加 ½ 茶匙酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),豇豆丁,萝卜丝,肉丝(用一点酱油和胡椒粉腌5分钟),蒜葱碎适量。 

{调味料}酱油 ½ 茶匙,高汤5汤匙。 


1. 先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。 

2. 起油锅爆香蒜葱碎后,加入豇豆丁拌炒一下,接着加入萝卜丝继续拌炒。 

3. 然后,加入腌好的肉丝炒至变色后加入酱油和高汤拌炒至汤煮沸,加入鸡蛋翻炒至汤汁再次煮沸即可。 

Fried Long Bean Eggs with Meat 

{Ingredients} Eggs x 2 (beaten with ½ tsp soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), diced long bean, shredded carrots, meat slices (marinate with some soy sauce and pepper for 5 mins), some chopped garlic and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x ½ tsp, broth x 5 tbsp. 


1. Fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside. 

2. Saute chopped garlic and shallots till fragrant, add in diced long bean to stir-fry a while, follow by add in carrots to continue stir-frying. 

3. Then, add in marinated meat to stir-fry till change color, season in soy sauce and broth and bring to boil, add in cooked eggs and bring to boil again, serve hot. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

椰糖红豆燕菜果冻牛油蛋糕 Gula Melaka Red Bean Jelly Butter Cake

彩色大黑子燕菜果冻球 Colourful Basil Seeds Jelly Ball:

简易牛油蛋糕视频 Easy Butter Cake Recipe:



{第一层}水300毫升,椰糖50克, 燕菜粉1 ½ 茶匙,即溶果冻粉1 茶匙。 


1. 椰糖加入清水中,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀后,中火煮至椰糖溶化,过程中不停地轻轻搅拌. 

2. 煮沸后熄火泡冷水降温(如果用自来水当冷水,降温过程中请更换至少3次水),倒入蛋糕模具中,放入冰箱速冻5分钟(这时请煮第二层),取出在表面划满刮痕。 

{第二层} 椰浆100毫升,水250毫升,椰糖25克, 燕菜粉1 ½ 茶匙,即溶果冻粉 ½ 茶匙,罐头红豆2汤匙。 


1. 清水,椰浆,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀后加入椰糖,中火煮至椰糖溶化,过程中不停地轻轻搅拌. 

2. 煮沸后熄火泡冷水降温(如果用自来水当冷水,降温过程中请更换至少3次水)。 

3. 把红豆放上第一层的刮痕上,再把煮好的燕菜果冻液慢慢地倒入蛋糕模具中,放入冰箱速冻5分钟(这时请煮第三层),一样5分钟后取出在表面划满刮痕。 

{第三层} 水400毫升,糖粉40克, 燕菜粉2 茶匙,即溶果冻粉1 茶匙,牛油蛋糕碎6汤匙左右。 


1. 清水,糖粉,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀后,中火煮沸. 

2. 煮沸后熄火泡冷水降温(如果用自来水当冷水,降温过程中请更换至少3次水)。 

3. 把蛋糕碎分三次放上第二层的刮痕上,再把煮好的燕菜果冻液慢慢地分三次倒入蛋糕模具中,放入冰箱速冻8分钟(这时请煮第四层),取出在表面划满刮痕。 

{第四层} 水150毫升,椰糖15克, 燕菜粉 ½ 茶匙,即溶果冻粉 ½ 茶匙。 


1. 椰糖加入清水中,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀后,中火煮至椰糖溶化,过程中不停地轻轻搅拌. 

2. 煮沸后熄火泡冷水降温(如果用自来水当冷水,降温过程中请更换至少3次水),倒入蛋糕模具中,放入冰箱冷藏过夜才脱模。 



Gula Melaka Red Bean Jelly Butter Cake 

{1st Layer} Water x 300ml, gula melaka x 50g, agar powder x 1 ½ tsp, jelly powder x 1 tsp. 


1. Add gula melaka in water, mix agar powder and jelly powder well before putting in cooking pot, cook under medium heat until fully dissolved, continue to stirring while waiting it boiling. 

2. Bring to boil, then soak in cold water (if use tap water as cold water, pls change at least 3 times) to reduce heat, pour the cooked mixture into the cake mold, and keep frozen for 5 mins (please cook 2nd layer while waiting), lightly scratch the surface once done quick freeze. 

{2nd Layer} Coconut x 100ml, water x 250ml, gula melaka x 25g, agar powder x 1 ½ tsp, jelly powder x ½ tsp , ready to eat red bean x 2 tbsp. 


1. Mix coconut milk, water, agar powder and jelly powder well before putting in cooking pot, follow by add in gula melaka, cook under medium heat until fully dissolved, continue stirring. 

2. Bring to boil, then soak in cold water (if use tap water as cold water, pls change at least 3 times) to reduce heat. 

3. Put the red bean on top of 1st layer, then pour the cooked mixture slowly into the cake mold, and keep frozen for 5 mins (please cook 3rd layer while waiting), lightly scratch the surface once done quick freeze. 

{3rd Layer} Water x 400ml, icing sugar x 40g, agar powder x 2 tsp, jelly powder x 1 tsp, butter cake flakes x 6 tbsp. 


1. Mix water, icing sugar, agar powder and jelly powder well before putting in cooking pot, cook under medium heat until boil. 

2. Bring to boil, then soak in cold water (if use tap water as cold water, pls change at least 3 times) to reduce heat. 

3. Divide the cake flakes into 3 portions and put on top of 2nd layer, then pour the cooked mixture slowly each times into the cake mold, and keep frozen for 8 mins (please cook 4th layer while waiting), lightly scratch the surface once done quick freeze. 

{4th Layer} Water x150ml, gula melaka x 15g, agar powder x ½ tsp, jelly powder x ½ tsp.


1. Add gula melaka in water, mix agar powder and jelly powder well before putting in cooking pot, cook under medium heat until fully dissolved, continue to stirring while waiting it boiling. 

2. Bring to boil, then soak in cold water (if use tap water as cold water, pls change at least 3 times) to reduce heat, pour the cooked mixture into the cake mold, and keep refrigerated overnight. 

***If wish to know the exact millilitre of waters, please fill the mold with water and pour into measurement cup to know the total ml that needed.

***Add 1tsp of corn starch in powder’s mixture can help to reduce too moisture problem.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

彩色大黑子燕菜果冻球 Colorful Basil Seeds Jelly Ball

彩色大黑子燕菜果冻球 Colorful Basil Seeds Jelly Ball



「大黑子」1汤匙, 泡热水10分钟沥干备用。 

 {橙色} 红萝卜水300毫升(萝卜1条切小块状,加150毫升水打成汁,再加清水至300毫升),糖粉30克, 燕菜粉1 茶匙,即溶果冻粉1 茶匙。 

{黄色} 玉米水300毫升(罐头玉米粒1罐,加100毫升水打成汁,再加清水至300毫升),糖粉30克, 燕菜粉1 茶匙,即溶果冻粉1 茶匙。 

{红色} 火龙果水300毫升(火龙果半粒切丁,加100毫升水打成汁,再加清水至300毫升),糖粉30克, 燕菜粉1 茶匙,即溶果冻粉1 茶匙。 

{青色} 奇异果水300毫升(奇异果1粒切丁,加100毫升水打成汁,再加清水至300毫升),糖粉30克, 燕菜粉1 茶匙,即溶果冻粉1 茶匙。 

{紫色} 紫薯水300毫升(紫薯粉 ½ 茶匙加清水300毫升搅拌均匀),糖粉30克, 燕菜粉1 茶匙,即溶果冻粉1 茶匙。 

{褐色} 红糖水300毫升(红糖30克,加清水300毫升搅拌均匀),燕菜粉1 茶匙,即溶果冻粉1 茶匙。 

{浅橙色} 橙水150毫升(橙1粒切丁,加100毫升水打成汁,再加清水至150毫升),糖粉15克, 燕菜粉 ½ 茶匙,即溶果冻粉 ½ 茶匙。 


1. 糖粉,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀备用,红萝卜水/玉米水/火龙果水/橙水/奇异果水/紫薯水/红糖水(过滤杂质后)倒入锅中,再加入拌均的糖粉,燕菜粉和果冻粉再次拌均匀; 开中火煮一会儿后加入1/2 -1湯匙泡好的大黑子,过程中不停地轻轻搅拌. 

2. 煮沸后熄火泡冷水降温(如果用自来水当冷水,降温过程中请更换至少3次水),倒入波波模具中,倒满盖紧,用重物压住待冷却后放入冰箱速冻15分钟,脱模后得再继续冷藏三小时左右才享用比较Q弹。 



Colorful Basil Seeds Jelly Ball 

{Basil Seeds} Soak in hot water for 10 min, drain well and set aside. 

{Orange Color} Carrot’s juice x 300ml (carrot x 1 pcs; diced, add in 100ml of water to blend it and add on water to make it 300ml), icing sugar x 30g, agar powder x 1 tsp, instant jelly powder x 1 tsp. 

{Yellow Color} Corn’s juice x 300ml (Sweet Corn x 1 can; add in 100ml of water to blend it and add on water to make it 300ml), icing sugar x 30g, agar powder x 1 tsp, instant jelly powder x 1 tsp. 

{Red Color} Dragon fruit’s juice x 300ml (dragon fruit x ½ pcs; diced, add in 100ml of water to blend it and add on water to make it 300ml), icing sugar x 30g, agar powder x 1 tsp, instant jelly powder x 1 tsp. 

{Green Color} Kiwi’s juice x 300ml (Kiwi x 1 pcs; diced, add in 100ml of water to blend it and add on water to make it 300ml), icing sugar x 30g, agar powder x 1 tsp, instant jelly powder x 1 tsp. 

{Purple Color} Purple sweet potato’s water x 300ml (purple sweet potato powder x ½ tsp, mix well with 300ml of water), icing sugar x 30g, agar powder x 1 tsp, instant jelly powder x 1 tsp. 

{Brown Color} Brown sugar’s water x 300ml (brown sugar x 30g, mix well with 300ml of water), agar powder x 1 tsp, instant jelly powder x 1 tsp. 

{Light Orange Color} Orange’s juice x 150ml (orange x 1pcs, diced, add in 100ml of water to blend it and add on water to make it 150ml), icing sugar x 15g, agar powder x ½ tsp, instant jelly powder x ½ tsp. 


1. Mix icing sugar, agar powder and jelly powder well, carrot’s juice/corn’s juice/dragon fruit’s juice/kiwi’s juice/purple sweet potato water/brown sugar water/ orange juice (pass through the strainer/filter) pour into cooking pot, follow by add in the powders’s mixture, cook under medium heat for a while, follow by add in ½ - 1tbsp of basil seeds, continue stirring. 

2. Bring to boil, then soak in cold water (if use tap water as cold water, pls change at least 3 times) to reduce heat, pour the cooked mixture into the mold, fully fill the mold and close tightly, use heavy bowl to press it for better shapes, let it cool down and keep frozen for 15mins, remove from mold and continue to keep refrigerated for at least 3 hours before enjoy it. Serve chilled to enjoy QQ feels. 

***Only 1 balls’ mold in the house, use keep frozen 15 mins to speed up the shaping process as wish to keep reuse the same mold to do others ball color. 

***If wish to know the exact mililiter of waters, please fill the molds with water and pour into measurement cup to know the total ml that needed. If got extra agar/jelly’s mixture, pour into others molds.

Friday, October 9, 2020

八珍黑豆鸡蛋汤 Pak Cheng Black Bean Eggs Soup

八珍黑豆鸡蛋汤 Pak Cheng Black Bean Eggs Soup



{材料} 鸡蛋6粒,甘榜鸡半只(洗净,切块状),黑木耳适量(洗净泡发备用),金针菜适量(泡软),黑豆50克,枸杞适量(多加5-10克),猪肉丸适量(个人喜好哈,可以不放)。 

{调味料} 清水1500-1800毫升,酱油1汤匙,蚝油1 茶匙。(也可以不加) 


1. 把全部材料准备好后放入锅内,加入适量的清水和调味料。 

2. 然后,按下高压锅的“煲汤“功能,煮好后即可趁热享用。 

Pak Cheng Black Bean Eggs Soup 

{Ingredients} Boiled eggs x 6, chicken x ½ (washed, cut intopieces), black fungus (washed and soaked till tender), dried day lily (soaked till tender), black bean x 50g, some goji beries (additional top up 5-10g), meat balls (personal preference, optional). 

{Seasonings} Water x 1500-1800ml, soy sauce x 1 tsp, oyster sauce x 1 tsp. (Optional) 


1. Put all the ingredients into the pressure cooker and add in right amount of water and seasonings. 

2. Then, press “soup” button on pressure cooker to cook it, serve hot. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

斑兰花生内馅麻糬 Pandan Mochi with Peanut Filling

 再次挑战大麻糬 ,应该不会是最后一次吧...不过很肯定的就是不能常做,因为要存够耐心和毅力,呵呵。

***另一种口味:紫薯花生内馅大麻糬 Purple Sweet Potato Mochi with Peanut Filling


{材料} 糯米粉150克,玉米淀粉30克, 斑兰粉1汤匙半,玉米油10克 (用猪油更香), 红糖30克,温水230-250克(不同牌子的糯米粉吸水量不一样哦),盐少许。 

{花生内馅} 花生碎50克(也可以买现成的花生碎),红糖10克 ,花生酱2汤匙。 

{裹粉} 玉米淀粉2汤匙 (干锅炒10分钟左右变成熟粉备用。) 


1. 先把花生内馅材料拌均匀,搓成圆球状,放入冰箱冷藏备用。 

2. 将糯米粉和玉米淀粉过筛后加入红糖和斑兰粉拌均,逐步加入温水搅拌成均匀的糊状。 

3. 把面糊倒入加了10克玉米油或猪油的蒸碗中再次拌均,放入蒸锅蒸20-25分钟左右(面糊全部变透明即可)。

 4. 出锅趁热用筷子搅拌约一分钟,用一个保鲜袋或保鲜膜,里面倒入一点玉米油/猪油,把搅拌好的糯米团待稍微凉后全部装进袋子里,轻轻揉约一分钟。(此时可把花生馅料从冰箱取出待用。) 

5. 面团从保鲜膜/保鲜袋后,揉搓成长条状,根据自己的喜好切块状后擀平,将花生馅料放入包好裹粉即可。(过程会很粘手,所以请用一次性手套或善用刚才的一次性纸袋或保鲜膜。) 

Pandan Mochi with Peanut Filling 

{Ingredients} Glutinous rice flour x 150g, corn flour x 30g, pandan powder x 1 ½ tbsp, corn oil x 10g (use pork lard if got), brown sugar x 30g, warm water x 230-250g, a pinch of salt. 

{Peanuts Filling} Peanuts x 50g, brown sugar x 10g, peanuts jam x tbsp. 

{Coatings} Corn starch x 2 tbsp, (Dry pan, fry for 10 mins to turn it into cooked powder.) 


1. Mix all the peanuts filing ingredients well, turn it to ball shapes and keep it in refrigerator. 

2. Mix the sifted glutinous rice flour and corn flour first, follow by add in brown sugar and pandan powder, then slowly add in warm water to form a batter. 

3. Pour the batter into a steamed bowl that already add in 10g of corn oil, mix them well, to steam for 20-25 mins. (or when the batter is completely cooked) 

4. Stir with chopstick for about 1 min when done steamed, pour a little oil in a pieces of plastic wrap or Ziploc plastic bag, drop the cooked paste inside the bag and knead well for about 1 min. (Take out the peanut filling balls from refrigerator now) 

5. Remove it out from the plastic wrap / bag, roll it into long strip and cut it into square bite size, put in the peanuts filling’s ball in center, close it up and coat it evenly with cooked corn starch powder, serve and enjoys! (Please use disposable plastic gloves or utilise the plastic wrap/bag to close the peanuts filling ball as it will be very sticky.) 

Friday, October 2, 2020

豆腐萝卜碎蒸蛋 Tofu Carrots Steamed Egg

豆腐萝卜碎蒸蛋 Tofu Carrots Steamed Egg


{材料} 鸡蛋2粒,肉碎(用一点点酱油,胡椒粉腌制一下),萝卜碎,豆腐块(半盒),高汤或清水适量(鸡蛋液 vs 清水= 1 vs 1.5)。

{调味料} 酱油1茶匙,芝麻油 ½ 茶匙,胡椒粉适量。


1. 全部材料和调味料放入蒸碗中,拌均后入蒸锅蒸15分钟左右。


Tofu Carrots Steamed Egg

{Ingredients} Eggs x 2, minced meat (marinate with some soy sauce and pepper), chopped carrots, tofu x ½ box (cut into square shape), some broth or water (egg mixture VS water = 1 VS 1.5)

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, sesame oil x ½ tsp, some pepper.


1. Mix all the ingredients and seasonings well, steam for 15 mins.

***To have smooth steam egg, lightly beating the eggs mixture and filter it to remove the lump and bubbles ya. Sorry that I'm skipping that step.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Kitty卡通造型燕菜月饼 Kitty Jelly Mooncake

天使们要吃月饼🥮,传统月饼目前还是不太适合肠胃敏感的她们...只好不断努力向小黄鸭老师偷师 :,自己凑合做最简单快手的燕菜月饼咯,糖的份量「婆妈」减少了10克左右,主张给她们吃“清淡”些。  做了很多次,最满意是近期这次啦,拖了几年终于有时间逼自己做好视频纪录「婆妈」的简单快手煮妇经。


{波波内馅材料} 糖粉20克, 燕菜粉 ½ 茶匙,即溶果冻粉 ½ 茶匙,紫薯粉 ½ 茶匙,清水200毫升 

{透明大黑子内馅材料} 糖粉20克, 燕菜粉 ½ 茶匙,即溶果冻粉 ½ 茶匙,清水250毫升 

{外皮材料} 糖粉50克,燕菜粉2 茶匙, 即容果冻粉1 ½ 茶匙, 清水450毫升,斑兰粉½ 茶匙,紫薯粉½ 茶匙。 


1. 其它内馅 - 大黑子,桂花等就先泡热水5-10分钟沥干备用。 

2. 波波内馅:糖粉,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀备用,紫薯粉加入清水中拌均成紫薯水后倒入锅中,再加入拌均的糖粉,燕菜粉和果冻粉再次拌均匀; 煮沸后泡冷水降温,倒入波波模具中,倒满盖紧,冷却后放入冰箱冷藏至少三小时,脱模备用。 

3. 透明内馅: 糖粉,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀备用,清水倒入锅中,再加入拌均的糖粉,燕菜粉和果冻粉再次拌均匀; 煮沸后泡冷水降温,适量的倒入造型模具中,加入波波/大黑子/桂花等内馅,再倒满盖完内馅,冷却后放入冰箱冷藏至少三小时,脱模备用。 

4. 外皮:糖粉,燕菜粉和果冻粉拌均匀备用,清水倒入锅中,再加入拌均的糖粉,燕菜粉和果冻粉再次拌均匀,分成两份 (1份250毫升加入班兰粉,1份200毫升加入紫薯粉); 分别煮沸后泡冷水降温,适量的倒入造型模具中,加入做法3的内馅,再倒满盖完内馅,冷却后放入冰箱冷藏至少三小时 。

 5. 冷藏3-5小时后即可享用。 


Kitty Jelly Mooncake 

{Ball Filling Ingredients} Icing sugar x 20g, agar powder x ½ tsp, instant jelly powder x ½ tsp, purple sweet potato powder x ½ tsp, water 200 ml. 

{Transparent Basil Seeds Filling Ingredients} Icing sugar x 20g, agar powder x ½ tsp, instant jelly powder x ½ tsp, water 250 ml. 

{Skin Ingredients} Icing sugar x 50g, agar powder x 2 tsp, instant jelly powder x 1 ½ tsp, water 450 ml, pandan powder ½ tsp, purple sweet potato powder x ½ tsp. 


1. Soak others fillings ingredient – basil seeds or osmanthus flowers in hot water for 5-10 min, set aside. 

2. Ball fillings: Mix icing sugar, agar powder and jelly powder well, purple sweet potato powder mix with water and pour into cooking pot, follow by add in the powders’s mixture, bring to boil follow by soak in cold water to reduce heat, pour the cooked mixture into the mold, fully fill the mold and close tightly, keep refrigerated for at least 3 hours, remove from mold and set aside. 

3. Transparent filling: Mix icing sugar, agar powder and jelly powder well, pour water into cooking pot, follow by add in the powders’s mixture, bring to boil follow by soak in cold water to reduce heat, pour the right amount of cooked mixture into the mold, add in balls filling/basil seeds/osmanthus flower, fully fill the mold, keep refrigerated for at least 3 hours, remove from mold and set aside. 

4. Skin: Mix icing sugar, agar powder and jelly powder well, pour water into cooking pot, follow by add in the powders’s mixture, divide to 2 portions (1=250ml, add with pandan powder; 1=200ml, add with purple sweet potato powder), bring both portions to boil follow by soak in cold water to reduce heat, pour the right amount of cooked mixture into the mold,add in direction’s 3 fillings, fully fill the mold and wait slightly cool down, keep refrigerated for at least 3 hours. 

5. Keep refrigerated for 3-5 hours and serve chilled. 

***If wish to know the exact mililiter of waters, please fill the molds with water and pour into measurement cup to know the total ml that needed. 

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