Saturday, November 14, 2020

双花炒蛋 Fried Broccoli and Cauliflower with Eggs



{材料} 鸡蛋2粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),西兰花(洗净切块状),白菜花(洗净切块状),肉丝(用一点酱油和胡椒粉腌5分钟),萝卜丝,蒜碎和小红葱碎适量。 

{调味料}高汤5汤匙,盐和胡椒粉适量。 (可放鲍鱼汁1茶匙)


1. 西兰花和白菜花先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫2-3分钟,捞起沥干过冷水备用。 

2. 起油锅爆香小红葱碎,先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。 

3. 起油锅爆香蒜碎后,加入肉丝拌炒一下,接着加入萝卜丝继续拌炒。 

4. 然后,加入调味料拌炒至汤稍微煮沸,加入西兰花和白菜花翻炒。 

5. 接着,再加入鸡蛋炒至汤汁再次煮沸即可。 

Fried Broccoli and Cauliflower with Eggs 

{Ingredients} Eggs x 2 (beaten with ½ tsp soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), broccoli (wash and cut into bit size), cauliflower (wash and cut into bite size), meat slices (marinate with some soy sauce and pepper for 5 mins), some shredded carrots, some chopped garlic and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Broth x 5 tbsp, some salt and pepper. (abalone sauce 1tsp, optional)


1. Blanch over the broccoli and cauliflower with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 2-3 mins, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 

2. Fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside. 

3. Sautés chopped garlic and shallots till fragrant, add in meat slices to stir-fry a while, follow by add in carrots to continue stir-frying. 

4. Then, add in seasonings and bring to boil, add in broccoli and cauliflower to continue stir-frying. 

5. Follow by add in cooked eggs and bring to boil again, serve hot.

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