Friday, November 6, 2020

下一步是...What is Next?



男女人们,也许彻底地明白自己是天方夜谭,但能肯定的是我们都能掌握自己的❤️。心图让你走出稳稳地下一步,请管好你的心,让它为你做事而不是跟你作对。心若定下来,哪里都是天堂。Trying to control everything would be too much work and not enough life. But every men and women can control your heart, please rule your 💜 and let it work for you to reach your destination in 🗺 .

当你心中无图,一路上迷迷糊糊,到后来不知何去何从。如果你心中有图,但迟迟不行动,梦始终还是一场梦。每个男女人们都该有个弹性十足的「心图」,能承受得住任何局势的变化。有突发情况,你得变通,你的心图也得顺势而为做出合适的调整,这样的话,男女人们才能有个大有可为的人生。记住,心图的细节性不重要,重要的是你无论如何都要有个基本图在心中引导着你走出更省心更清晰的明天。Yes, we need a plan as a map to guide us for better tomorrow. Details of the plan is doesn't matter, as not all plans lead to the right path. But, we need a flexible plan to adapt to any changes. Follow the trend, sometimes is a better choice when you are floating without a clear direction.


  1. 哇。。。你好棒啊👍这般年轻就悟出道理。对!心定视透,万难迎刃而解。所谓人定胜天,就是这个道理。

    1. 谢谢🙏 太多太多道理都懂但心很容易“飘移”,其实我还是一边”走“着一边”学“着的节奏☺️☺️


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