Monday, November 16, 2020

桃胶雪燕皂角米银耳养颜糖水 Snow Bird Nest Peach Gum Snow Lotus Seed 6 in1 Collagen Dessert


桃胶雪燕皂角米银耳养颜糖水 Snow Bird Nest Peach Gum Snow Lotus Seed Collagen Dessert

桃胶雪燕皂角米糖水 Snow Bird Nest Peach Gum Snow Lotus Seed Dessert

轻轻松松养出胶原蛋白美肌的亲民6 in 1养颜养生汤,近期虽然少了ME time但依然每星期都找时间炖一次,因为买了高品质植物胶质组合的袋装。难得可以让「婆妈」安心吃的商品可遇不可求叻,不过再好也不宜天天吃,男女人们,有条件的一周最多2次就好啦。Beauty starts from inside out, start it with natural collagen soup. A collagen booster dessert a week is a must.


{材料} 桃胶/皂角米/雪燕独立包装1包(隔夜泡发,每样分开泡哦),银耳半朵(隔夜泡软,撕成片状),红枣3粒(洗净,去核切半),枸杞适量(洗净)。 

{调味料} 冰糖/红糖适量。 


1. 隔水炖法:先将银耳炖一个小时。 

2. 此时,简单的清理一下桃胶和雪燕的杂质(独立包装的好处就是省心省清理的时间)。 

3. 一小时后,再把桃胶,皂角米和红枣加入炖盅继续隔水炖20分钟后,再加入冰糖,雪燕和枸杞炖20-30分钟即可品尝。 


6 in 1 Collagen Dessert 

{Ingredients} Snow bird nest/ peach gum/ snow lotus seed x 1 sachet (soak individually for each item overnight), white fungus ½ pcs (soak overnight, tear to bite size pieces), red dates x 3 (rinse and deseed, cut into half), some goji berries (rinse well). 

{Seasonings} Some rock sugar/brown sugar. 


1. Rice cooker double-boiled: place white fungus in stew pot, fill in water- half of the pot and cook under “slow cook” function for 1 hour. 

 2. Then, simple clean the peach gum and snow bird nest, remove impurities (sachet is super convenient as save lots of time). 

3. An hour later, add in peach gum, snow lotus seed and red dates inside the stew pot continue to slow cook for 20 mins only add in rock sugar, snow bird nest and goji berries to cook for another 20-30 mins. Serve hot/warm/chill, according to personal preferences. 

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