Saturday, November 28, 2020

红薯杂蔬日式咖喱 Veggies Sweet Potato Japanese Curry

Eat Japanese style curry with tortilla wrap. Try it and you will love it as absolutely a perfect match.日式咖喱很受「婆妈」家两位天使的欣赏,几天前她们提议想要搭配卷饼(tortilla wrap) 吃咖喱。只要没啥过度的要求,做得到的当然OK。Yes, 即煮酱料时间到,因为「婆妈」也煮到想休息啦。S&B咖喱块一直以来很受我们家喜爱,家里大多数一定会有的。 


{材料} S&B日式咖喱块一包,中红薯1个(洗净去皮切块状,泡水10分钟), 中马铃薯2个(洗净去皮切块状,泡水10分钟),红萝卜半条(洗净去皮切块状),青甜椒块适量,豆腐卜5个(切块),大葱丝,蒜碎和姜碎,清水750毫升。 


1. 起1 ½ 汤匙油锅爆香大葱丝,蒜碎和姜碎,加入马铃薯和红薯块拌炒一下。 

2. 接着加入萝卜和甜椒块继续翻炒均匀,加入750毫升清水拌均匀。 

3. 大火煮沸后转小火,盖好慢煮20分钟左右。 

4. 然后加入咖喱块慢慢搅拌至融化后加入豆腐卜,继续慢煮5分钟左右,要不时轻轻地搅拌。 

5. 趁热搭配卷饼吃,孩子们提议的新颖吃法,绝配。(可以搭配米饭或个人喜好其它的选择) 

Veggies Sweet Potato Japanese Curry 

{Ingredients} S&B curry sauce mix x 1 pack, medium sweet potato x 1 (wash, peel and cut into pieces, soak in water for 10 mins), medium potato x 2 (wash, peel and cut into pieces, soak in water for 10 mins), half carrot (cut into pieces), some green bell pepper, tofu puffs x 5 (slices), shredded onions, chopped garlic and chopped ginger, water x 750ml. 


1. Heat up 1 ½ tbsp of olive oil to saute onions, garlic and ginger, add in potato and sweet potato pieces to stir fry a while. 

2. Follow by add in carrots and bell pepper to continue stir fry till well combine, add in 750ml of water. 

3. Bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer cook for about 20 mins. 

4. Then, add in curry sauce mix to cook till completely melted only add in tofu puffs to cook for another 5 mins until gravy thickened, stirring occasionally in between. 

5. Serve hot with tortilla wrap, my kid’s idea and absolutely a perfect match (Of course can eat with rice or any others idea according to personal preference). 

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