Saturday, December 31, 2016


Good Bye 2016 and Welcome 2017!


说穿了,人生不能事事都这么完美无憾,潇洒地跟即将成为过去的2016年say goodbye,别拖着,很多时候心里清楚失去比拥有更踏实,再苦再难再累再忙再烦也要擦干泪水继续生活。2017年依旧不改提醒自己与身边的男女人们别忘了好好对待还陪在身边的那些人,亲情,爱情,友情都是一辈子的事情...在新的一年里依心而行,不为难自己,一切都好!


Friday, December 30, 2016

秋葵木耳腐竹炒鸡肉 Okra, Black Fungus, Bean curd Skin Chicken

秋葵木耳腐竹炒鸡肉 Okra, Black Fungus, Beancurd Skin Chicken
Making in progress...


{材料} 秋葵(洗净,切片蒸5分钟备用),黑木耳(浸软,切丝),腐竹(泡软,撕成大块状),鸡胸肉(洗净,切片,用一点酱油和胡椒粉腌10分钟),蒜碎,小红葱碎。

{调味料} 叁巴酱2 汤匙, 料酒1茶匙,酱油1茶匙,2汤匙清水,盐和糖适量。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜葱碎,加入木耳丝和料酒翻炒一下,下鸡肉炒至半熟时加入叁巴酱拌炒均匀。

2. 然后,加入腐竹,秋葵和其它调味料继续翻炒大约2分钟左右即可。

Okra, Black Fungus, Bean curd Skin Chicken

{Ingredients} Okra (Wash, sliced and steamed for 5 mins, set aside), black fungus (soaked, shredded), bean curd skin (soaked, tear to bite sizes pieces), chicken breast (wash, sliced, marinate with some soy sauce and pepper for 10 mins), chopped garlic and shallots.

{Seasonings} Instant sambal paste x 2 tbsp, cooking wine x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 tsp, water x 2 tbsp, some salt and sugar.

1. Heat up some oil to sauté chopped garlic and shallots till fragrant, add in shredded black fungus and cooking wine to stir-fry a while, only add in sliced chicken to cook till half cook follow by add in instant sambal paste to continue stir-frying till well mixed.

2. Then, add in bean curd skin, okra and others remaining seasonings to stir-frying for another 2 mins, dish up and serve hot.

Previous: 花胶鸡汤 Chicken and Fish Maw Soup

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

水煮蛋肉碎 Hard Boiled Egg Pork Pasta

水煮蛋肉碎 Hard Boiled Egg Pork Pasta



卡通造型Pasta (用加了点橄榄油和盐的沸水煮软备用), 水煮蛋1粒(切成一口吃形状),肉碎适量,高汤半碗。


1. 肉碎放入高汤内蒸煮10-15分钟。
2. 要食用时,把煮软的pasta加入高汤中,再拌入水煮蛋即可。


Cartoon shapes pasta (cook with boiling water that add with some olive oil and salt till tender and set aside), hard boiled egg x 1 (cut into bite-size), some minced pork, some chicken stock.


1. Steam cook the minced pork with chicken stock for 10-15 mins.
2. Add in cooked pasta and hard boiled egg when ready to eat.

Previous:菠菜萝卜碎面粉糕 Pancake with spinach and carrot

Friday, December 23, 2016

花胶鸡汤 Chicken and Fish Maw Soup

花胶鸡汤 Chicken and Fish Maw Soup


{材料} 花胶(浸泡一夜至软,切块状), 姜3 片, 去皮鸡肉块350克,枸杞适量。

{调味料} 盐适量。


1. 将所有材料(除了枸杞)放入装满适量清水的炖锅中炖一小时半。

2. 然后加入枸杞和调入盐再炖20分钟即可。

Chicken and Fish Maw Soup

{Ingredients} Fish maw (soaked overnight, cut into pieces), ginger slices x 3 pcs, skinned chicken pieces x 350g, some goji berries.

{Seasonings} Some salt.


1. Put all ingredients (except goji berries) into slow cooker that fill with right amount of water to cook for 1 and half hours.

2. Then, add in goji berries and season in the salt to continue cook for another 20 mins, serve hot.

Previous: 杏鲍菇烩花椰菜 Stir-fry King Oyster Mushroom with Cauliflower

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

菠菜萝卜碎面粉糕 Pancake with spinach and carrot

菠菜萝卜碎面粉糕 Pancake with spinach and carrot
Simple delicious...





1. 除了橄榄油,全部材料充分搅拌均匀备用。
2. 起油锅,把1-2汤匙面糊放入锅内双面煎成金黄色即可。


Spinach (blanch over with boiling water that add with some olive oil and salt, drain well and set aside), chopped carrots, Egg x1, Flour x 2 tbsp, corn flour x 1 tbsp, water or milk x 70 ml, olive oil in right amount.


1. Mix all ingredients except olive oil till well-combined.
2. Heat up olive oil in frying pan, add in 1-2 tbsp of the mixture to fry till both sides change to golden yellow colour, serve hot.

Previous:杂蔬鲜虾蛋炒饭 Mixed Veggies, Shrimp and Egg Fried Rice

Friday, December 16, 2016

杏鲍菇烩花椰菜 Stir-fry King Oyster Mushroom with Cauliflower

杏鲍菇烩花椰菜 Stir-fry King Oyster Mushroom with Cauliflower
Simple and easy recipe making in progress...


{材料} 花椰菜(切朵状),杏鲍菇(切丝), 萝卜丝, 蒜碎。

{调味料} 鲍鱼汁1汤匙, 花雕酒1茶匙,盐,糖和胡椒粉适量。


1. 花椰菜用加了点油和盐的沸水川烫1-2分钟,捞起沥干备用。

2. 起2汤匙油锅爆香蒜碎,调入花调酒再加入杏鲍菇丝和萝卜丝拌炒一下。

3. 然后调入其它调味料和花椰菜翻炒均匀至水分收干即可。

Stir-fry King Oyster Mushroom with Cauliflower

{Ingredients} Cauliflower (Cut into florets), king oyster mushroom (shredded), shredded carrots, and chopped garlic.

{Seasonings} Abalone sauce x 1 tbsp, Shaxing wine x 1 tsp, some salt, sugar and pepper.


1. Cauliflowers need to blanch over boiling water that add with some salt and oil for 1-2 mins, drain well and set aside.

2. Heat up 2 tbsp of oil to sauté the chopped garlic till fragrant, season it the Shaxing wine, follow by add in shredded king oyster mushroom and carrot to stir-frying for a while.

3. Then, add in other seasonings and cauliflower to continue stir-frying till the gravy thicken, serve hot.

Previous: 咸蛋香菇玉米粥 Mushroom Corn Congee with Salted Eggs

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


第十八问-为什么她觉得精疲力尽?因为已经越不动声色啦;因为保持静音模式一段时间了耶; 因为件件事重覆了几十遍了,该做的,不该做的都做够了;还有她永远不知道一个一见她就笑的人是喜欢她还是讨厌她,反正就不想管那么多了!







Saturday, December 10, 2016

咸蛋香菇玉米粥 Mushroom Corn Congee with Salted Eggs

咸蛋香菇玉米粥 Mushroom Corn Congee with Salted Eggs


{材料} 咸蛋3粒(洗净,煮熟去壳),香菇5-7朵(泡软切丁,泡香菇水留着),玉米粒半杯,大米1杯,橄榄油1汤匙。

{调味料} 盐适量


1. 大米洗净放入饭锅,加入适量热水,玉米粒和泡香菇水用慢煮模式煮1小时半。(不喜欢太绵密的粥,可以煮一小时左右即可。)

2. 起一汤匙橄榄油锅把香菇丁炒香,倒入饭锅中和大米与玉米继续熬煮。

3. 粥煮好后,调入盐搅拌均匀,要吃时加入咸蛋碎就可以了。

Mushroom Corn Congee with Salted Eggs

{Ingredients} Salted eggs x 3 (washed, cooked and shell, cut into half or diced or wedges), mushroom x 5-7 (Soaked till tender and diced, the water that soaked mushroom keep aside), corns x ½ cup, rice x 1 cup, olive oil x 1 tbsp.

{Seasonings} Some salt to taste.


1. Use rice cooker to slow cook the rice that washed with right amount of hot water, corns and soaked mushroom water for 1 and half hours. (If do not like the congee too soft, can choose to cook for 1 hour enough.)

2. Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil to sauté diced mushroom till fragrant, pour into the rice cooker to continue cook with rice and corn.

3. After congee is done cooked, season in salt and stirring well, add in salted eggs while served.

Previous: 秋葵鸡腿汤 Okra Chicken Thigh Soup

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

杂蔬鲜虾蛋炒饭 Mixed Veggies, Shrimp and Egg Fried Rice

杂蔬鲜虾蛋炒饭 Mixed Veggies, Shrimp and Egg Fried Rice
Ingredients and method.




1. 把三大匙蛋液加入隔夜白饭搅拌均匀备用。




Overnight white rice x 1 small bowl, little shrimp x 3-5pcs, diced tomatoes, shredded carrots, diced cabbage, minced pork, diced cucumber, egg x 1 (beaten)


1. Mix 3 tbsp of egg mixture into overnight white rice, make sure well combined and set aside.
2. Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil to stir-fry minced pork, diced tomatoes and carrots first, only add in diced cabbage to continue stir-frying.
3. Then, pour in balance of egg mixture, follow by add in overnight white rice and chopped shrimp to stir-fry over high heat till cooked, add in diced cucumber to mix them well, serve hot.

Previous:甜椒蒸蛋三文鱼西兰花软饭 Bell Pepper Steamed Egg with Salmom Fish and Broccoli Rice

Saturday, December 3, 2016

秋葵鸡腿汤 Okra Chicken Thigh Soup

秋葵鸡汤 Okra Chicken Soup
Okra Chicken Thigh Soup making in progress...


{材料} 秋葵10条(用加了点油和盐的沸水川烫一下,切块状),鸡腿一只,胡萝卜1根(去皮切块状), 红枣5-7颗, 枸杞适量。

{调味料} 盐适量。


1. 取一锅注入适量的清水煮沸后更加入鸡腿,红枣和萝卜以中火煮20分钟。

2. 然后再加入枸杞和秋葵再次煮10分钟左右,调入盐搅拌一下即可。

Okra Chicken Thigh Soup

{Ingredients} Okras x 10 (blanch over boiling water that add with some oil and salt, cut into bite size pieces), chicken thigh x 1, carrot x 1 (peeled and cut into bite size pieces), red dates x 5-7 pcs, some goji berries.

{Seasonings} Some salt.


1. Use 1 deep pot that fill with right amount of water, bring to boil only add in chicken thigh, red dates and carrots to cook under medium heat for 20 mins.

2. Then, add in goji berries and okras to cook for another 10 mins, season in salt and serve hot.

Previous:烧肉酱油蛋炒饭 Egg Fried Rice with Roasted Pork

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

甜椒蒸蛋三文鱼西兰花软饭 Bell Pepper Steamed Egg with Salmon Fish and Broccoli Rice

甜椒蒸蛋三文鱼西兰花软饭 Bell Pepper Steamed Egg with Salmon Fish and Broccoli Rice
Simple and yummy for little angel...

{材料} 煮好的白饭适量,三文鱼一小块,甜椒丁,鸡蛋一粒(打散),西兰花小朵状(用加了点盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫三分钟,沥干备用。)


1. 起一茶匙橄榄油锅,把三文鱼片双面煎熟。

2. 把打散的鸡蛋加适量的水(水的份量是蛋液的一倍),蒸10分钟左右后加入甜椒丁再蒸2分钟即可。

3. 把所有煮好的材料放入装好白饭的碗中即可食用。

{Ingredients} Cooked white rice, salmon fish fillet x 1 small piece, diced bell pepper, egg x 1 (beaten), broccoli florets (blanch over boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 3 mins, drain well and set aside)


1. Heat up 1 tsp of olive oil to fry salmon fish fillet till both sides is well cooked.

2. Add in some water into egg mixture (water amount normally is 1x more than egg mixture), steam for 10 mins only add in diced bell pepper, continue to steam for another 2 mins.

3. Then, add ingredients on top of cooked white rice, serve hot.

Previous: 原味馒头 Steamed Bun

Friday, November 25, 2016

烧肉酱油蛋炒饭 Egg Fried Rice with Roasted Pork

烧肉酱油蛋炒饭 Egg Fried Rice with Roasted Pork



{材料} 烧肉(切丁状), 隔夜米饭, 香菇丝(泡软), 萝卜丝, 青菜丝(在加了油和盐的沸水川烫一下,捞起沥干备用), 鸡蛋2粒(加点麻油,胡椒粉和酱油打散),蒜碎,大葱碎。

{调味料} 鸡蛋一粒,蚝油1茶匙, 酱油3汤匙, 黑酱油1汤匙,糖和胡椒粉适量, 搅拌成混合酱料备用。


1. 先把隔夜米饭和综合酱汁拌均备用。

2. 起油锅爆香大葱和蒜碎,加入香菇丝炒香后再加萝卜丝和烧肉拌炒一下。

3. 然后,加入一半的蛋液炒至半熟时加入隔夜米饭不停地拌炒, 再将另一半的蛋液加入继续翻炒,将米饭炒散,最后加入青菜丝炒均匀即可。

Egg Fried Rice with Roasted Pork

{Ingredients} Roasted pork (diced), overnight white rice, shredded mushroom (soaked till tender), shredded carrots, shredded green veggies (blanch over boiling water that add with some oil and salt, drain and set aside), eggs x 2 (beaten with some sesame oil, pepper and soy sauce), chopped garlic and onion.

{Seasonings} Egg x 1, oyster sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 3 tbsp, dark soy sauce x 1 tbsp, some sugar and pepper, mix all well.


1. Mix the seasonings with overnight white rice, ensure they are well combined.

2. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic and onion, add in mushroom stir-fry till fragrant only add in shredded carrot and diced roasted pork.

3. Then, add in half of the egg’s mixtures to cook until half moist only add in white rice and stirring continuously, follow by add in another half of the egg’s mixture, stir-fry for 1-2 mins and add in the green veggies to stir-fry until mix well. Serve hot.

Previous:花胶羹 Fish Maw Soup

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


第十七问-为什么他那么深信事在人为?因为或许没有切肤之痛吧,因为只是旁观者, 因为身边不乏自以为是的有心人,因为有着不肯息事宁人的男女人,还有因为不是有句话说:“谋事在人,成事在天吗”?!





说穿了, 人定会胜天,但必须有放下的勇气。人为的无奈是一种缺陷,看清了就别随意挪用自身的良心和宽容,有时变得狭隘些但不至于让自己瞧不起的程度即可以安享宁静的美好又能重现属于她的专属笑容,为时不晚啊!

Previous: 三十六问vs七十二答-转瞬即失

Friday, November 18, 2016

花胶羹 Fish Maw Soup

花胶羹 Fish Maw Soup
Fish Maw Soup making in progress...


{材料} 花胶(提前一晚泡发,切丁), 香菇3朵(泡发,切丁),泡香菇水, 海鲜豆腐和蛋豆腐(切丁), 鸡蛋1粒(打散备用),栗米粉水2-3汤匙。

{调味料} 料酒1茶匙, 盐 ½ 茶匙, 鲍鱼汁1汤匙,, 胡椒粉和乌醋适量。


1. 取一深锅把泡香菇水和适量的水煮沸, 放入香菇煮10分钟左右。

2. 放入花胶煮20-30分钟,再加入海鲜豆腐和蛋豆腐再次煮开。

3. 倒入栗米粉水勾芡,续而倒入鸡蛋液拌均,最后调入料酒,盐和鲍鱼汁煮沸即可。要食用时,适量的调入胡椒粉和乌醋。

Fish Maw Soup

{Ingredients} Fish maw (Soaked overnight till fully tender, diced), mushroom x 3 (soaked till tender, diced), Soaked mushrooms water, packed seafood tofu and egg tofu (diced), egg x 1 (beaten), corm flour solution x 2-3 tbsp.

{Seasonings} Shao xing wine x 1 tsp, salt x ½ tsp, abalone sauce x 1 tbsp, some pepper and black vinegar.


1. Use 1 deep pot fill with soaked mushroom water and water with right amount and bring to boil, add in mushroom to cook for 10 mins.

2. Add in fish maw continue cook for 20-30 mins only add in seafood tofu and egg tofu and bring to boil again.

3. Pour in corn flour solution, follow by egg’s mixture and stirring continuously to ensure well mixed. Lastly, season with Shaxing wine, salt and abalone sauce and bring to boil. Serve with some pepper and black vinegar.

Previous:豆酱排骨蒸蛋豆腐 Steamed Spare Ribs and Egg Tofu with Bean Paste Sauce

Friday, November 11, 2016

原味馒头 Steamed Bun

原味馒头 Steamed Bun
Soft and Yummy Steamed Bun is ready.
Additional ingredient: Pumpkin, leftover in fridge to join this round homemade steamed bun.
Just as original steamed bunbut add on steamed pumpkin while making the dough.
making in progress...
This round wanna empty the pau flour, so using a little bit more flour, so divide each for abt 40-45g.
Ulgy skin but taste nice and soft will do as my little angel wont take the skin, hahaha!
普通的白馒头是娃的最爱,所以大多隔1两个月都会亲自给她做些来吃, 有时冰箱有剩下的甜薯,马铃薯,南瓜或其它可用的材料,我都会尽量加入给她一些天然的调味料。


{材料} 中筋面粉或包粉300克,酵母3克,糖15克,橄榄油10克,水130-150毫升

1. 将全部材料放入搅拌碗中搅拌均匀至形成光滑的面团,用湿布盖好让它休息15分钟。

2. 将面团分割成每份约35克左右,开始整形做成你喜欢的形状。

3. 排在蒸盘上继续发酵45分钟,然后大火蒸大约10-12分钟即可。

Steamed Bun

{Ingredients} Blue Key pau flour x 300g, instant yeast x 3g, sugar x 15g, olive oil x 10g, water x 130-150ml.


1. Put all ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix well till formed a smooth ball shape, cover with wet cloth for rest about 15 mins.

2. Divide dough into 35g each and ready to shape according to personal preference.

3. Place the shaped dough on to steaming plate and leave to prove for another 45 mins, then steam under high heat for 10-12 mins.

Previous:番茄西刀鱼丸青菜汤软饭 Fish ball,Tomato and Green Veggie Rice

Saturday, November 5, 2016

豆酱排骨蒸蛋豆腐 Steamed Spare Ribs and Egg Tofu with Bean Paste Sauce

豆酱排骨蒸蛋豆腐 Steamed Spare Ribs and Egg Tofu with Bean Paste Sauce



{材料} 排骨(洗净,泡清水半小时或用热水川烫),蛋豆腐1条(切块状),青葱丁适量

{调味料} 豆瓣酱1汤匙, 米酒1茶匙,蚝油1茶匙,盐,鸡粉和栗米粉适量


1. 排骨用调味料腌上1小时。

2. 把蛋豆腐和腌好的排骨摆盘,放入煮开了水的蒸锅蒸30分钟左右或至熟,要食用时撒上青葱丁即可。

Steamed Spare Ribs and Egg Tofu with Bean Paste Sauce

{Ingredients} Spare ribs (washed, soaked in water for 30 mins or blanch over boiling water), egg to fu x 1 (cut into sectioned), diced green onion.

{Seasonings} Bean paste x 1 tbsp, rice wine x 1tsp, oyster saucex 1 tsp, some salt, chicken powder and corn flour.


1. Marinate spare ribs with the seasonings for at least 1 hour.

2. Then, arrange the egg tofu and spare ribs in steam plate, put in the steamer to steam for 30 mins or till cooked, garnish the green onion while served.

Previous:蒜葱香菇肉炒蛋 Stir-fried Mushroom Pork and Eggs

Sunday, October 30, 2016

蒜葱香菇肉炒蛋 Stir-fried Mushroom Pork and Eggs

蒜葱香菇肉炒蛋 Stir-fried Mushroom Pork and Eggs
Making in progress...
Serve as side dish with mee suah soup


{材料} 猪肉丝(用适量米酒,酱油和黑酱油腌10分钟), 萝卜片,香菇3朵(泡软切丁), 蒜碎, 鸡蛋3粒(加一点青葱丁,麻油,胡椒粉和酱油打散备用)

{调味料} 酱油1茶匙


1. 起油锅先把鸡蛋炒至8分熟,盛起备用。

2. 用回炒蛋锅,预热1大匙油爆香蒜碎,加入香菇丁炒香。

3. 然后,加入萝卜片和猪肉丝翻炒一下,调入酱油和鸡蛋拌炒均匀即可。

Stir-fried Mushroom Pork and Eggs

{Ingredients} Slices pork (marinate with some rice wine, soy sauce and black soy sauce for 10 mins), slices carrot, mushroom x 3 (soaked till tender and diced), chopped garlic, eggs x 3 (Beat with some diced green onions, sesame oil, pepper and soy sauce).

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp


1. Heat up oil to fry the egg mixture until barely set, remove and set aside.

2. Heat another 1 tbsp of oil to sauté chopped garlic; add in diced mushroom to stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Then, add in carrots and slices pork to stir-fry for a while, season it soy sauce, add cooked eggs to stir-frying till mix well, serve.

Previous:黄姜香菇鸡肉饭 Chicken and Mushroom Turmeric Rice

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

番茄西刀鱼丸青菜汤软饭 Fish ball,Tomato and Green Veggie Rice


番茄1粒(用沸水川烫去皮去籽,切丁),西刀鱼丸2粒(洗洗切丁),青菜丝(用加了点油和盐的沸水川烫2分钟左右), 白米饭。


1. 起一茶匙橄榄油锅,炒蕃茄丁后加入适量的清水和鱼丸丁煮沸。
2. 把青菜丝拌入煮好的汤内备用。
3. 然后,把白米饭煮好后拌入番茄鱼丸青菜汤搅拌均即可食用。


Tomato x 1 (Blanch over boiling water to peel skin off, diced), fish balls x 2 (rinse and diced), shredded veggies (blanch over boiling water that add with some olive oil for 2 mins),  white rice.


1. Heat up 1 tsp of olive oil to saute diced tomatoes, follw by add in some water and diced fish ball, bring to boil.
2. Add in shredded veggies to cooked tomato and fish ball soup.
3. Then, add in cooked white rice into the soup, serve hot.

Previous:鸡蛋香蕉面粉糕 Homemade Banana Pancake

Friday, October 21, 2016

黄姜香菇鸡肉饭 Chicken and Mushroom Turmeric Rice

黄姜香菇鸡肉饭 Chicken and Mushroom Turmeric Rice
Ingredients and making in progress...
Ready and can eat, eat, eat!


{材料} 白米2杯(洗净),香菇5朵(泡软,切丝),鸡柳(切块状, 用黑酱油x ½ tsp, 酱油1tbsp和姜末 腌1小时),三色甜椒(切丁),蒜碎,小红葱碎,黄瓜片(摆盘,随意)

{调味料} 黄姜粉1茶匙, 盐半茶匙,橄榄油2汤匙, 水两杯


1. 先用2汤匙的橄榄油热锅,炒一下洗净的白米,加入其它调味料拌均倒入电饭锅煮熟。

2. 另起油锅爆香蒜葱碎,下香菇丝炒香后,续而加入鸡肉块翻炒至变色。

3. 然后,加入甜椒丁,少许盐和胡椒粉拌炒均匀。把炒好的香菇鸡肉倒入饭锅内和煮熟的黄姜饭拌均再焖3分钟即可。

Chicken and Mushroom Turmeric Rice

{Ingredients} White rice x 2 cups (washed), mushroom x 5 (soaked till tender and shredded), chicken fillets (cut into bite-size sectioned), marinate with black soy sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 tbsp and chopped ginger for 1 hour), tri-color bell peppers (diced), some chopped garlic and shallots, cucumber slices (for deco purpose, optional).

{Seasonings} Turmeric powder x 1 tsp, salt x ½ tsp, olive oil x 2 tbsp, water x 2 cups


1. Heat up 2 tbsp of olive oil in frying pan to fry the white rice a while, add in others remaining ingredients and mix it well, pour into the rice cooker to cook.

2. Heat up another pan with some oil to sauté the chopped garlic and shallots till fragrant, add in shredded mushroom, and follow by chicken fillets to stir-fry till change color.

3. Then, add in diced bell pepper, some salt and pepper to continue stirring to ensure mix all well. Pour the cooked mushroom chicken into rice cooker to mix with the cooked turmeric rice, simmer for another 3 mins and serve.

Previous: 自家改良版椰浆饭 Home style Nasi Lemak

Saturday, October 15, 2016

自家改良版椰浆饭 Home style Nasi Lemak

自家改良版椰浆饭 Home style Nasi Lemak





{基本材料} 白米两杯 (洗净, 泡水1小时),水2杯(加盐1/4茶匙),椰浆50毫升,香草叶2-3片(撕开打结,没有可以不放但会少了些香气咯), 水煮蛋2粒(切片),黄瓜(切片,我今天就漏了它和花生,所以没放!)

{Sambal江鱼仔材料} 江鱼仔(预先炸好备用),洋葱丝,叁巴即煮酱料2汤匙,水,盐和糖少许。


1. 白米泡好后,加入水,椰浆,香草叶拌均后煮熟即可。

2. 然后开始煮江鱼仔材料,放一汤匙油炒洋葱丝至软,加入其它材料焖煮一会即可。

3. 咖喱鸡配料是前一天吃剩的,由于没有黄瓜配菜,只好随意从冰箱里拿有的材料煮成甜椒鸡肉当加料,呵呵。

Home style Nasi Lemak

{Ingredients} White rice x 2 cups (washed and soaked for 1 hour), water x 2 cups (add in salt x ¼ tsp), coconut milk x 50 ml, pandan leaves x 2-3pcs (fold over, if do not have can go without it just less some fragrant flavor), hard-boiled eggs x 2 (halves), cucumber (slices, I forgot about it and peanut too, so do not use).

{Sambal Ikan Bilis Ingredients} Ikan bilis (Deep fried and keep aside), shredded onions, instant sambal sauce x 2 tbsp, some water, salt and sugar.


1. After done 1 hour soaking, start cooks the white rice with water, coconut milk and pandan leaves till cooked.

2. Then, heat up pan with 1 tbsp of oil to sauté shredded onion till tender, add in other sambal ikan bilis’s ingredients and simmer cook for a while.

3. Curry chicken is leftover from yesterday, with no cucumber as side dish, I just use leftover ingredients in fridge to cook bell pepper chicken as additional side dish.

Previous: 黄瓜青椒炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Cucumber and Green Bell Pepper

Sunday, October 9, 2016

黄瓜青椒炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Cucumber and Green Bell Pepper

黄瓜青椒炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Cucumber and Green Bell Pepper


{材料} 黄瓜1条(去皮切片),青甜椒半个(去籽,切小块状),萝卜丝,鸡蛋3粒(加点麻油,酱油和胡椒粉打散备用),蒜碎,小红葱碎。

{调味料} 蚝油1汤匙,水2汤匙,盐和胡椒粉适量。


1. 起油锅先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。

2. 再起油锅爆香蒜葱碎, 加入萝卜丝,黄瓜和甜椒与调味料翻炒至断生,加入做法1的鸡蛋拌炒一下即可。

Scrambled Eggs with Cucumber and Green Bell Pepper

{Ingredients} Cucumber x 1 (peeled and sliced), green bell pepper x ½ (seeded, diced), shredded carrots, eggs x 3 (beaten with some sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper), chopped garlic and shallots.
{Seasonings} Oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, water x 2 tbsp, some salt and pepper.


1. Heat up oil to cook the eggs and set aside.

2. Then, heat up oil again to sauté chopped garlic and shallot, add in carrots, cucumbers, bell pepper and seasonings; stirring often to ensure well mixed, add in method 1 eggs and stir-fry for a while. Serve hot.

Previous: 香菇双蔬鸡肉天使意面 Angel hair pasta with mushroom, veggies and chicken

Friday, October 7, 2016

鸡蛋香蕉面粉糕 Homemade Banana Pancake

鸡蛋香蕉面粉糕  Homemade Banana Pancake


{材料} 熟透香蕉1根(切片,捣碎),鸡蛋1粒,面粉4汤匙,水或牛奶75毫升,橄榄油适量


1. 除了橄榄油,全部材料充分搅拌均匀备用。
2. 起油锅,把1-2汤匙面糊放入锅内双面煎成金黄色即可。

{Ingredients} Ripe Banana x 1(sliced and minced it), Egg x1, Flour x 4 tbsp, water or milk x 75 ml, olive oil in right amount.


1. Mix all ingredients except olive oil till well-combined.
2. Heat up olive oil in frying pan, add in 1-2 tbsp of the mixture to fry till both sides change to golden yellow colour, serve hot.

Previous:三文鱼炒蛋杂蔬米粉汤 Salmon Fish Fillet with Egg and Mixed Veggies Vermicelli Soup

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

香菇双蔬鸡肉天使意面 Angel hair pasta with mushroom, veggies and chicken

香菇双蔬鸡肉天使意面 Angel hair pasta with mushroom, veggies and chicken


{材料} 天使意面, 香菇3多(泡软,切丝, 泡香菇水留着炒面时用), 生菜丝(用加了盐和一点油的沸水川烫备用),萝卜丝,鸡肉片(用米酒,酱油和胡椒粉腌5分钟),洋葱碎,鸡蛋2粒(加点麻油,酱油和胡椒粉打散,起油锅先炒熟备用), 红番椒碎少许。

{调味料} 鲍鱼汁1茶匙,蒜粉1汤匙,盐和和胡椒粉适量。


1. 取一深锅,注入适量的水,少许盐与橄榄油煮开后, 放入面条煮大约7分钟, 捞起过冷水拌入一点橄榄油备用。

2. 热 3大匙橄榄油锅, 放入香菇丝,红番椒碎,与洋葱碎炒香, 加入鸡肉和萝卜丝拌炒一下后再加面条,香菇水,鸡蛋碎与调味料翻炒均匀就OK了。

3. 最好,准备要吃时撒上生菜丝拌一拌即可.

Angel hair pasta with mushroom, veggies and chicken

{Ingredients} Angel hair pasta, mushroom x 3 (soaked till tender, shredded, water that used to soak the mushroom kept for later use.), shredded lettuce (blanch over the boiling water that add with some salt and oil, drain well and set aside), shredded carrot, slices chicken (marinate with some rice wine, soy sauce and pepper for 5 mins), chopped onions, eggs x 2(beaten with some sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper, and cooked for later used.), pinch of chili flakes.

{Seasonings} Abalone sauce x 1 tsp, garlic powder x 1 tbsp, some salt and pepper to taste.


1. Bring some water with salt and olive oil to a boil; add pasta to boiling water to cook for about 7 mins, remove and drain with cold water and toss with some olive oil, set aside.

2. Heat up pan with 3 tbsp of olive oil to sauté shredded mushrooms, chilli flakes and chopped onion till fragrant, add in slices chicken and carrots to mix well; follow by add in pasta, mushroom water, cooked eggs and seasonings continue to stirring for well combined.

3. Lastly, garnish with shredded lettuce and serve hot.

Previous:酱油烧鸡 Soy Sauce Roasted Chicken

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