Monday, May 26, 2014

金钱肉碎蛋 Golden Egg with Minced Meat

金钱肉碎蛋 Golden Egg with Minced Meat
金钱蛋, 也称为做辣椒蛋, 是湖南人对这道地道湘菜一定不陌生。交上了来自湖南的朋友, 逐渐挑些合适我口味的菜肴稍微改良来满足我不断求新的厨艺, 这菜好下饭啊!!跟湖南蛋的做法一样, 只是这道的蛋需要先煎一下。


{材料} 水煮蛋5粒 (去壳切片备用) ,万能蒜葱辣椒酱两大匙,肉碎(用少许胡椒粉与盐腌5分钟),姜碎1/2茶匙, 青葱丁,栗粉适量

{调味料} 豆酱1/2茶匙, 酱油半茶匙,糖少许


1. 鸡蛋片撒上一点栗粉(煎时蛋黄和蛋白不容易脱开),下油锅煎至两面微金黄,取出备用。

2. 锅内再加点油爆香万能蒜葱辣椒酱与姜碎后, 加入豆酱和肉碎炒至变色后加入青葱丁翻炒均匀。

3. 然后, 再放入煎好的蛋片与调入酱油与糖,翻炒均匀即可出锅。

Golden Egg

{Ingredients} Hard boiled eggs x 5 (cut into slices), multipurpose stir-fry sauce x 2 tbsp, minced pork (marinate with some salt and pepper for 5 mins), chopped ginger x ½ tsp, diced green onion, some corn starch

{Seasonings} Bean paste x ½ tsp, soy sauce x ½ tsp and a pinch of sugar


1. Egg slices coated with some corn starch, fry in pan till both sides lightly turn to golden brown and set aside.

2. Heat up pan with oil to sauté multipurpose stir-fry sauce and chopped ginger till fragrant, add in bean paste and minced pork to stir-fry thoroughly, add in diced green onion to mix them well.

3. Then, season with soy sauce and sugar, follow by add in egg slices, slightly stir-fry until well combined.

Previous: 豆奶布丁 Soy Milk Pudding


  1. 好多金钱的菜肴, 吃了会金钱装满袋吗? 嘻嘻。。


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