Friday, August 15, 2014

免揉火腿蟹柳面包 No Knead Ham and Crab Stick Bread

二度发酵好, 开始烘烤啦.

{材料}免揉面团,蟹柳, 火腿丁,马苏里拉奶酪丝,蛋黄酱,鸡蛋1粒(打散,烤前抹皮用),溶化牛油少许(烤好后,抹皮用),白芝麻适量


1. 把免揉面团从冰箱取出后分成想要的等份, 开始整形后扫上一层蛋黄酱, 再分别包入蟹柳或火腿丁和马苏里拉奶酪丝当馅料后封口。(面团粘手的话, 手沾溶化牛油来整形就容易很多。)

2. 把包好馅的面包放上铺了一层抹了牛油的烤盘上。

3. 然后, 把排满面包的烤盘放入烤箱内做二次发酵1小时30分钟, 记得放一大碗热水在底层营造好的发酵环境。 (水在半小时后可更换另一碗热水让面团可以继续发酵)

4. 在第二次发酵好的面包上抹上蛋液, 再撒上一点白芝麻, 撒一些水在面包表面, 放入预热烤箱以180◦C/350◦F烤15-18分钟至金黄色。

5. 最后, 趁热在烤好的面包表面抹上少许牛油即可。

No Knead Ham and Crab Stick Bread

{Ingredients} No knead dough, crab sticks, diced ham, shredded mozzarella cheese, mayonnaise, egg x 1 (beaten, for brushing before bake), a little melted butter (For glazing after done baking), some white sesame.


1. Divide dough and ready to shape the bun, glaze a layer of mayonnaise before wrap with crab sticks or diced ham and shredded mozzarella cheese as filling. (If feel dough too sticky, put on some soften butter on hands will be much more easy to shape.)

2. Place the buns on a parchment-lined baking sheet that brush with butter.

3. Then, allow the second time to rise until the buns are roughly doubled in size, about 1 and half hours in a warm oven with a hot water place on bottom. (Replace the hot water every half an hour for better rise.)

4. Follow by brush with beaten egg and sprinkle some sesame and water on top of buns, bake in preheated oven at 180◦C/350◦F for 15-18 mins or till golden brown.

5. Lastly, remove and glaze with a little melted butter.

Previous: 木耳鸡 Black Fungus Chicken


  1. 大清早就有这麽好料的面包当早餐, 我真是幸福哦!

    1. 可是,这次二度发酵有点超时,没有平常的软绵,希望你将就一下啊!


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