Thursday, December 30, 2021

Disneyland Fireworks Show 迪士尼乐园烟火秀回忆录

Normal version 🆚 New Year version Disneyland fireworks show. Memories of Disneyland Fireworks Show , from Orlando, Florida, USA (9 years ago)and Tokyo, Japan(3 & 2 years ago). A new year is filled with possibilities, so continue to dream big and believe in yourself this year! Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong. Happy 2022, so glad we’re able to spend time together after a whole year! 

跨年免不了要有烟火秀才感觉完整,终于抵不过天使们的要求而下定决心编辑好属于我们的迪士尼烟火回忆录。九年前(美国,奥兰多)+3年前+2年前(日本,东京)的回忆录,不好意思哈…C&J很爱看烟火秀,近期又一直循环播放迪士尼乐园的烟火表演咯…好吧,就编辑一下目前属于我们的🎇迪士尼烟火秀🎆 愿2022年继续清醒自律知进退,别拖泥带水,不骄不躁,沉稳淡定。就算不完美,也得做个真实、深情和懂得谢幕的男女人,记得人的一生唯有善良不可辜负,但善的底线是维护正义。Happy 2022 in advance!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

蜜汁烤鸡翅+烤番薯 Honey Baked Chicken Wings + Oven Baked Sweet Potatoes



{材料} 鸡翅10只,蜜糖1 ½汤匙。 


1. 鸡翅以腌料腌至少3小时或隔夜。 
2. 腌好的鸡翅放上烤盘,腌汁+蜂蜜拌均匀,抹上一层蜜汁,烤箱预热200°C, 烤15分钟左右。 
3. 再抹上一层蜜汁,翻面继续抹蜜汁,再烤15分钟左右或至皮有些许焦就OK了。 

Honey Baked Chicken Wings 

{Ingredients} Chicken wings 10 pieces, honey 1 ½ tbsp. 

{Marinades} Chopped garlic 1 tbsp, oyster sauce 1 tbsp , soy sauce ½ tbsp, palm sugar 1 tbsp, salt ½ tsp, honey ½ tbsp. 

1. Marinate chicken wings with marinades for 3 hours or overnight. 
2. After marinade, arrange chicken wings well on baking tray, marinades + honey to mix well, apply a layer and bake in pre-heated oven 200°C for 15 mins. 
3. Then, brush another layer of honey sauce, flip over and apply another layer too, continue to bake for another 15 mins. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Q弹有嚼劲的紫水晶汤圆 Purple Crystal Glutinous Ball with Purple Sweet Potatoes, Red Bean and Black Sesame Filling (Tang Yuan)

Q弹有嚼劲的紫水晶汤圆,做了三种馅料:黑芝麻、紫薯和红豆的。看似简单但对初学者来说还是要注意木薯粉和水的份量,不过只要有恒心多试试做几次就能慢慢做到要诀,不过手脚慢的我,包到最后一样面对粉团慢慢地干了,不易包到美美哒💪🏼😅Crystal tang yuan is made with tapioca flour with colorful filling inside. When cooked, the dough turn almost transparent. Crystal glutinous ball is a challenge for new learner as hands on found out there is still need to balance up the portion of flour and water, keep trying will get a better idea what is the correct portion as different brand of flour, different absorption of water. 


{皮材料} 木薯粉70克 白砂糖10克 蝶豆花水80-90毫升+柠檬汁几滴 玉米油10克 

{馅料} 黑芝麻、紫薯和红豆馅 

{糖水} 去皮生姜+红糖1汤匙+清水300毫升煮沸后加入少许泡过热水1分钟的桂花/枸杞子。 


1. 蝶豆花水一半+木薯粉拌均匀待用。另一半的蝶豆花水+白砂糖和玉米油煮沸熄火,加入拌均匀的木薯粉蝶豆花水不断地搅拌至拌成软团(过程大约10-15分钟,粉团只需要八分熟,有点流质状态的,很黏手的,要有耐心搓揉)。 
2. 如果说粉团不够八成熟,分一半再回锅中小火加热一下,然后再继续搓揉成细腻柔软粉团,休面5分钟。 
3. 分割成小段状,搓成小丸子。预备撒上一些木薯粉的盘,把冷冻的馅料拿出,皮的重量比馅料少(馅料8克,皮就8克以下)。 
4. 把小丸子按下摊开,包入馅料捏紧搓圆,撒上薄木薯粉防粘(多做不马上煮的,放入密封容器中,一样撒上一层薄木薯粉冷冻保存)。 
5. 把清水煮沸后,放入汤圆再次煮沸后(过程中记得轻轻地搅拌1-2次避免粘锅底),转中小火煮至浮起,加半杯冷水再次煮沸后熄火焖10分钟左右。 

1. 皮尽量薄,越薄比较容易看到透明效果。 
2. 煮汤圆转中小火, 太大火会导致皮破露馅。 
3. 一定要焖,焖后会比较容易带出透明效果 。 

Purple Crystal Glutinous Ball with Purple Sweet Potatoes, Red Bean and Black Sesame Filling (Tang Yuan) 

{Ingredients} Tapioca flour70g Castor sugar 10g Blue pea flower water 80-90ml+ few drop of lemon juice Corn oil 10g 

{Filling} Black sesame, purple sweet potato and red bean paste 

{Sweet Soup Base} Peeled ginger pieces + brown sugar 1 tbsp + water 300ml, bring to boil only add in osmanthus flower/goji berries that soaked in hot water for 1 min. 


1. Mix half blue pea flower water with tapioca powder well and set aside. Another half of blue pea flower water + castor sugar+ corn oil bring to boil and off heat, add in tapioca blue pea flower mixture, keep stirring until forming a soft dough (process need to take 10-15mins, the dough can’t be 100% cooked-80% cooked dough more easy to knead, sticky liquid condition, must be patience to continue keep stirring). 
2. If dough not enough 80% cooked, divide into half, put half back into the pot reheat under low heat for a while, then continue to knead until get a soft and smooth dough, rest for 5 mins . 
3. Divide to small portions, shape into small ball shape. Prepare a plate that dust with some tapioca flour on top, take out frozen fillings, weight of dough ideally heavy than filling (Example; filling 8g, dough less than 8g as the thinner the dough, the more translucent the dough will be). 
4. Flatten the dough, put 1 filling on the center, gather the edge to seal tight, roll into a smooth round ball, topping with some tapioca flour avoid stick together (uncooked portions seal in air tight container and frozen it). 
5. Bring water to boil, add in tang yuan and bring to boil again (stir once or twice to avoid stick to bottom of the pot), turn to low medium heat to simmer cook until tang yuan is floating to the surface, add in another half cup of water and bring to boil, off heat and let the tang yuan rest inside for at least 10 min. 

Tips for Success: 
1. The dough needs to be rolled as reasonably thin as possible, so they can turn almost transparent after boiled cook. 
2. Boil the tang yuan over medium low heat (Too hot can break the dough and the filling will leak out). 
3. Must let the tang yuan rests after boiling to help gradually turn transparent during this resting time.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

红糖减油黑芝麻馅 How to Make Black Sesame Paste Healthier

亲子版减糖减油与正常版的黑芝麻馅料都有各自的特点和口感。减糖减油版的成品比较适合做汤圆馅,特别是水晶汤圆少油馅料最容易包。而正常版的适合做包子、面包与蛋糕等多种中西烘培小甜点。Black sesame paste is used as a filling in baking and some sweet and savory dishes in Asian cuisines. 



1. 黑白芝麻洗净,沥干水份后放上铺了一层烘培纸的烤盘上摊开来,放入预热150°C 5分钟的烤箱烤15分钟翻拌一下直到白芝麻微黄(大约翻拌3次就OK了)。 
2. 烤好的黑芝麻待凉后, 分两次放入搅拌器中搅成粗粉状。 
3. 粗黑芝麻粉放入预热好的锅中,加入红糖、盐,蜂蜜,猪油和融化无盐黄油拌至糖完全溶化。 
4. 待凉后即可塑形,依个人喜好搓成大小合适的丸子状(冷冻保存可耐3个月)。 


Brown Sugar Black Sesame Paste 

{Ingredients} Black sesame 230g, white sesame 20g, lard/ unsalted butter 35g, brown sugar 50g, a pinch salt, honey 2 tbsp. 

1. Wash black&white sesame through running water, drain well and evenly spread on baking pan that layering with baking sheet. Pre-heated oven 150°C 5 mins, bake for 15mins, use spatula to stir every 5 mins until white sesame lightly brown (stir for total about 3 times). 
2. After done baked, let it cool only divide into 2 portions and start slow blending process until it become rough powder or smooth type. 
3. Preheat the pot and off heat when enough warm hot, add in blended black sesame powder, brown sugar, salt, honey , lard and melted unsalted butter, mix until the sugar fully dissolved. 
4. Let it cool only start shaping process, keep frozen can last for 3 months. 

***Smooth texture, using blender all the way but the paste will be more “oily” because when blending for more longer time, sesame oil will be naturally come out to make the blending process more smooth. 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

使用iTunes Producer发布你的免费电子书和怎么避免犯下一些基本错误 How to publish your FREE ebook on Apple Books with iTunes Producer and avoid those common mistakes

这视频记录如何使用iTunes Producer发布你的免费电子书和怎么避免犯下一些基本错误😅。虽然已经是第三次用iTunes Producer发布我的免费电子书,还是会遇到问题。这是第一次用Pages写的电子书,之前两本都是用iBooks Author(那时候纯粹试试,写得一塌糊涂🤪)。第三本电子书最用心去理解怎么才能写好一本简单明了的eBook,看似挺简单,因为本意就是想总结记录一下10年写心情杂记博文的精华,但竟然用了将近一年才编辑好(能挤出的时间依然还有进步的空间☺️)👉🏻正向心灵胶原蛋白修心语录 。How to publish your ebook on Apple Books and avoid those common mistakes. This video is sharing simple steps how my 3rd FREE ebook👉🏻 Collagen Notes For Lifelong Soul Wellness published through iTunes Producer.  Still in little "mess" situation while going through publishing process. First time use Pages to write my eBook, previous 2 ebooks using iBooks Author to write. So, would like to keep a record for future reference☺️💪🏻💜

Simple guideline as per below:  

3 ways to publish ebook:👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
1️⃣Publish your books with iTunes Producer(Mac) ***Books should be under 1GB, but Apple Books allow up to 2GB, delivered via iTunes Producer. 

2️⃣Publish your book with Pages (Mac/PC) 
***Books created and delivered via Pages must be under 1GB. 

3️⃣Publish your book with Web(PC) 

About my FREE eBooks: 
Positive Affirmations Special Designed for Self Care 
Collagen Notes For Lifelong Soul Wellness 

The Jewel of "Violet"

💟Family’s meal Way 
38 Homemade Kid-Friendly Cookbook 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

轻松熬制猪油 Homemade Lard

在家轻松熬制猪油,猪油的用处挺多的,除了家常饭菜以外,许多中式包点,甜点等离不开它。猪油渣拌饭或拌米粉面类也行,也可以撒上任何菜类食物等增添香气。偶尔吃,不会影响健康的。Homemade lard, can be used for baking, or any cooking, is a secret ingredient in some of the oriental style recipes. Don’t consume frequently wont be impacting your healthy lifestyle😉. 

猪板油, 水+盐少许 

1. 切小块洗净,放入锅中加入半小碗水与盐中大火熬煮后转小火慢慢熬,等到熬至猪油渣变成浅金黄(大约25分钟左右),捞起猪油渣,待凉后倒入容器中,放冰箱冷藏可耐3个月。 

Homemade Lard 

Pork fat back, Water + little salt 

1. Cut into small pieces and washed, put into the pot, add some water+ little salt to cook under medium heat until water almost dry up, turn to low heat to slow fry it until golden yellow color (takes about 25 mins), leave to cool only pour in air tight container, refrigerated can keep it up to 2-3 months. 
***Crispy fried lard pieces cooled down completely only store in air tight container, can last for about a week. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

紫薯杂蔬日式咖喱盖鸡蛋意面 Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Vegetables Curry Over Pasta and Fried Egg

紫薯杂蔬日式咖喱盖鸡蛋意面,这样搭配很亲子哦,至少我家天使大大大爱😊Japanese curry over pasta and fried egg, one of popular kid’s favorite dishes in our 🏠. 

紫薯块, 白菜花, 胡萝卜块, 高丽菜丝, 日式咖喱块1小盒 ,清水650毫升, 蒜葱碎适量。

1. 爆香蒜葱碎,加入紫薯、萝卜块、白菜花,高丽菜丝和清水拌均盖好焖煮15分钟左右。 
2. 加入咖喱块,轻轻搅拌至咖喱块融化,再焖煮8-10分钟左右即可。 
3. 把煮好的咖喱淋上煮好的面条。 

Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Vegetables Curry 
Purple sweet potatoes,  cauliflower, carrot pieces, shredded cabbage, Japanese curry sauce mix 1 pack, water 650ml, chopped garlic and shallots.

1. Saute ingredients, add bite sized pieces of vegetables and water, cover and simmer cook for 15 mins. 
2. Add curry said mix, stir gently until dissolved, simmer cook for another 8-10 mins. 
3. Serve over cooked pasta or noodles. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

自制简易亲子意大利青酱通心粉与面条 Macaroni and Noodles Homemade Pesto with Scallops


第一次做简易亲子意大利青酱,鲜贝青酱意面有待加强,以后多做几次愿更上手💪🏻…简单美味又营养的快手美食。Easy, yummy& nutritious meals can be a life-saver during busy days. A typical pesto recipe uses pine nuts but high in calories and quite costly. Walnuts or cashew nuts are a good replacement. They can produce equally rich in flavor pesto paste but with fewer calories and of course slightly lower cost. 

{材料} 九层塔叶15克,核桃仁50克、橄榄油30克,蒜瓣8克,盐5克。 

1. 把材料切小块状后,全部放入搅拌器搅拌均匀即可。 

Homemade Kid Friendly Pesto Paste 
{Ingredients} Basil leaves 15g, walnuts 50g, olive oil 30g, fresh garlic 8g, salt 5g. 

1. Cut all ingredients into small pieces, put in blender to blend until fine. Set aside. 


{材料} 橄榄油2汤匙, 蒜碎30克,鲜贝片80克,意面200克, 鲍鱼汁高汤80毫升,九层塔叶10克(切小片状),青酱3-4汤匙, 盐适量。 


1. 天使意面用加了油和盐的沸水川烫至合适的软度,沥干备用。 
2. 起橄榄油锅爆香蒜碎,加入鲜贝和适量青酱炒出香味。 
3. 加入意面和一半的鲍鱼汁高汤翻炒片刻,继续加入慢慢地加入高汤翻炒均匀。 
4. 最后,调入盐和九层塔叶炒均即可。 

Spaghetti Pesto with Scallops 

{Ingredients} Olive oil 2 tbsp, chopped fresh garlic 30g, scallops slices 80g, angel hair spaghetti 200g, abalone broth 80ml, fresh basil 10g(rough cut), pesto paste 3-4 tbsp, salt to taste. 


1. Cook spaghetti according to packaging instructions until your preference texture. 
2. Heat up olive oil, saute garlic, add scallops and pesto sauce to continue saute. 
3. Add in cooked spaghetti and half of broth, stirring for well combine, add more broth as required. 
4. Lastly, add in salt to taste and some fresh basil to mix well. Ready to serve.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

姜片柠檬蜂蜜水 Honey Lemon Ginger Water

缓解风寒感冒+润喉等,刚开始感冒的时候煲姜片蜂蜜柠檬水喝上几杯吧。抗菌、清热解毒的功效外,也促进身体排汗,还能有效提升免疫力而让体力快速恢复过来。Natural cold & flu remedy, soothes a sore throat, detox, improve digestion + lots of health benefits too. 


{材料} 去皮姜片5片,柠檬片3片(用盐/苏打粉搓洗净柠檬外皮),蜂蜜三汤匙,清水1000毫升。 


1. 把姜片和清水先煮10分钟后,加入柠檬片再煮10分钟左右即可。 
2. 熄火5分钟后调入蜂蜜搅拌均匀,趁温热喝上一杯(其它装入保温瓶中,隔3-4小时再喝一杯)。 

Honey Lemon Ginger Water 

{Ingredients} Ginger slices 5pcs, lemon slices 3 pcs (lemon peel wash with some baking soda}, honey 3 tablespoons, water 1000ml. 


1. Cook ginger slices with water for 10 mins, follow by add in lemon slices to cook for another 10mins. 
2. Off heat, rest 5 mins only mix in honey and stirring well, serve warm hot (keep unconsumed portion in thermos, drink again next 3-4 hours). 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

炝拌西芹腐竹片 Celery and Bean Curd Skin Stir Fry

清爽可口的芹菜腐皮,做成凉拌菜或是热菜都一样是家常便饭中的好滋味哦。 Celery + beancurd sheet (beancurd skin/tofu skin/yuba sheet) 👉🏻 easy healthier choice for cold or hot served.


{材料} 腐皮适量(泡软切丝),芹菜段,胡萝卜丝,蒜碎1汤匙。 

{调味料} 酱油1 汤匙, 白米醋 ½ 汤匙, 芝麻油 ½ 汤匙, 鲍鱼汁 1 汤匙, 红糖1茶匙, 盐少许, 清水2-3汤匙,全部搅拌均匀。 


1. 芹菜先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。 
2. 再起一锅水加煮沸,加入腐皮丝川烫1分钟左右后捞出,过冷水沥干备用。 
3. 起一汤匙油锅爆香蒜碎,再加入胡萝卜丝炒一下后,倒入调味料炝一下锅,马上加入腐皮和芹菜翻拌均匀即可享用。 

Celery and Beancurd Sheet Stir Fry 

{Ingredients} Beancurd sheet (soaked in water till soft and shredded ), celery (sectioned), shredded carrots, chopped garlic 1 tbsp. 

{Seasonings} Soy sauce 1 tbsp., white vinegar ½ tbsp, sesame oil ½ tbsp, abalone sauce 1 tbsp, brown sugar 1 tsp, some salt to taste, water 2-3 tbsp, mix all well in a bowl. 


1. Blanch over the celery with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 
2. Another round to bring 1 pot of water to boil, add in beancurd sheet to cook for a while, rinse over cold water, drain and set aside. 
3. Heat up a tbsp of olive oil to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in carrots stir-fry a while, pour in the seasoning’s mixture, add in cooked beancurd sheet and celery to fold till well combined, served. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

严于律人,宽以待己 Be good to yourself too

爱自己の紫言紫语💜Positive Soul Collagen Notes 

严于律人,宽以待己 Be good to yourself too 

“宽以待人 ,严于律己,”暗地里压得我们自己喘不过气来。

You're able to love others, to give to others, and do for others by giving and doing for yourself first. Loving others starts with loving yourself — Wayne W. Dyer 

ME=WE – A Poem by Mohammed Ali, gave me lot of positive thoughts. Leading me to the “purple rules” way. If【Me】sacrifice own self too much, nothing else can give to【We】. So, nourish “Me” as 1st priority, finding best self care ways to create inner peace balance. Only through the best version of “Me” can give more to “We”. 


更多【紫言紫语】的🆓🍎电子书👇🏻 More about [Purple] rules 🆓 e-Book👇🏻 
🌈爱自己の紫言紫语💟正向心灵胶原蛋白修心语录 Positive Affirmations Special Designed for Self Care💜Collagen Notes For Lifelong Soul Wellness 
 🌈紫。慧录 The Jewel of “Violet” 

***PURPLE rules: Blue (Men) + Red (Women) = Purple (We=Equality) 
***紫的定律: 蓝(男人)+红(女人)= 紫(我们=同等) 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

预拌粉的戚风蛋糕 Quick Chiffon Cake with Cake Mix


轻易上手,轻松入口的预拌粉戚风蛋糕,取代传统戚风分蛋打发法,只需全蛋液,水和植物油。秘诀就是打发至原来体积的三倍大才加入玉米油。某次网购面包粉和烘培工具时卖家送了这预拌粉,用了后觉得👍。不想被气疯但又想吃自家制的戚风蛋糕,就这么做吧,省时省力省心👉🏻零失败,而且完成品的组织结构,口味与传统戚风蛋糕都非常接近哦。Chiffon cake premix just needs simple ingredients: eggs, water & oil. Enjoys no fail baking fun. “A party without a cake is just a meeting.” — Julia Child 👻Happy Halloween🎃in advance ☺️


{材料} 戚风预拌粉500克,鸡蛋8粒(A级/总数500克),清水/牛奶75毫升,玉米油75毫升。 


1. 把预拌粉、鸡蛋和水用低速1档搅打1分钟,高速3档搅打10分钟左右。 
2. 加入玉米油,转换成低速1档搅拌1分钟,把面糊倒入戚风蛋糕的模具中。 
3. 预热烤箱130°C, 先烤30分钟左右; 再调到160°C 烤20 分钟即可(烤箱温度得自行拿捏)。 

Quick Chiffon Cake with Cake Mix 

{Ingredients} Chiffon cake mix 500g, eggs 8pcs (grade A/500g in total), Water/milk 75ml, corn oil 75ml. 


1. Whisk chiffon cake mix , eggs and water at speed 1 for 1 min, then at speed 3 for about 10 mins. 
2. Add in corn oil and whisk at speed 1 for another 1 min, then pour batter into ungreased chiffon cake pan. 
3. Pre-heated oven 130°C, bake for 30mins, 160°C 20 mins(Oven temperature adjust accordingly.)

Previous:五谷杂粮山药双贝粥 Multi Grains Porridge with Chinese Yam Scallops

Friday, October 22, 2021

五谷杂粮山药双贝粥 Multi Grains Porridge with Chinese Yam Scallops



{材料} 山药块适量,胡萝卜块适量,香菇3朵(泡软切丝),干贝1汤匙(洗净沥干),印度香米½杯,小米½杯,黑豆+绿豆+红豆½杯, 姜一小块。 


*** 配料:水煮鸡蛋和鲜贝适量(用适量的黑胡椒粉和玉米淀粉腌一下,放入冰箱冷藏15分钟后起油锅,干煎至水分收干即可)。 

1. 先把,黑、绿和红豆+印度和小米洗净,加入山药、香菇、干贝、姜和胡萝卜块,接着调入橄榄油、盐和清水搅拌均匀。 
2. 拌均后就可以按下高压锅煮粥键开煮。 
3. 粥煮好后,再撒上少许胡椒粉趁温热享用(配料可以随意或不加哈)。 

Multi Grains Porridge with Chinese Yam Scallops 

{Ingredients} Some chinese yam pieces, some carrot pieces, shiitake mushroom 3 pieces (soaked till tender and shredded), dried scallops 1 tbsp(washed and drained), basmathi rice + millet 1 cup, black+mung+red bean ½ cup, small ginger pieces. 

{Seasonings} Water 10-11 cups, olive oil 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp and some pepper to taste. 

***Side dishes: hard boiled eggs and pan seared scallops 

1. Rinse black+mung+red bean, basmathi rice and millet well, add in chinese yam, mushroom, carrot, ginger and scallops, season in olive oil, salt and water to mix well. 
2. After mix well, press the pressure cook button to start cook. 
3. After porridge done cooked, season in some pepper and ready to serve.

Friday, October 15, 2021

懂得对不值得的事心狠 Don’t Live Like A Frog in the Well



爱自己の紫言紫语💜Positive Soul Collagen Notes 

懂得对不值得的事心狠💫Don’t Live Like A Frog 🐸 in the Well 


Don’t live like a frog in the well, that is a limited world, we want every possible perspective. Gain a sense of the infinite for incredible joy when we’re a human, we could live life fully, we could live life joyously. 


ME=WE – A Poem by Mohammed Ali, gave me lot of positive thoughts. Leading me to the “purple rules” way. If【Me】sacrifice own self too much, nothing else can give to【We】. So, nourish “Me” as 1st priority, finding best self care ways to create inner peace balance. Only through the best version of “Me” can give more to “We”. 


更多【紫言紫语】的🆓🍎电子书👇🏻 More about [Purple] rules 🆓 e-Book👇🏻 
Positive Affirmations Special Designed for Self Care💜Collagen Notes For Lifelong Soul Wellness 
🌈紫。慧录 The Jewel of “Violet” 

***PURPLE rules: Blue (Men) + Red (Women) = Purple (We=Equality) 
***紫的定律: 蓝(男人)+红(女人)= 紫(我们=同等) 

Friday, October 8, 2021

传统风俗味的生日餐:红鸡蛋面线汤 Red Eggs Longevity Noodles (Mee Suah) Soup

传统习俗过生日要吃什么呢?👉🏻 特别是农历生日会特想吃的红鸡蛋面线汤, 妈妈的传统生日习俗已深入我心。吃红鸡蛋:剥蛋壳代表剥开过去、脱胎换骨,意味着重生的开始。吃面线:寓意着长命百岁、寿比南山。Mee Suah/Flour vermicelli soup to celebrate birthday at home is my family culture. It simply because mee suah is treat as longevity noodles , prepared for birthday boys or girls to wish them a long and healthy life. Red eggs, symbolize good wishes for a new start in Chinese culture. 





1. 菠菜先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫30秒左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。 
2. 起油锅爆香蒜姜葱碎后,加入香菇丝、肉片和萝卜丝炒一下,调入酱油、高汤/清水、鱼丸和盐拌均匀煮沸,调入胡椒粉和放入菠菜再次煮沸即可熄火。 
3. 然后,面线煮好放入碗中,接着淋入煮好的汤,趁温热享用。 

Red Eggs Longevity Noodles (Mee Suah) Soup 

{Ingredients} Eggs 2-4pcs (steam cook, coating with food coloring + white vinegar + hot water),shiitake mushroom 3 pcs (soak till tender, shredded), meat slices (marinate with oyster sauce+ corn starch), fish balls (sliced), shredded carrots, some baby spinach, chopped garlic+shallot +ginger. 

{Seasonings} Soy sauce 1 tbsp, broth/ water 300ml, some salt and pepper. 


1. Blanch over the baby spinach with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 30 seconds, drain well, running through cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 
2. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic+shallot +ginger till fragrant, add in mushrooms, meats and carrots to stir-fry a while, add in soy sauce, water, fish balls and salt; bring to boil, season in pepper, follow by spinach and bring to boil again, off the heat. 
3. Then, bring another pot of water to boil to cook mee suah, only pour cooked soup over the cooked mee suah and serve hot.

Friday, October 1, 2021

核桃红糖蜂蜜萝卜杯子蛋糕 Honey Brown Sugar Walnut Carrot Cupcakes

爸爸的生日蛋糕👉🏻核桃+蜂蜜+胡萝。提前做了C&J一直碎碎念念要一起做杯子蛋糕。今年做出来的不是松软的杯子蛋糕,蛋糕太干了,搅拌过度消泡啦,不过诚意十足的祝福。 连续两年都“乱”要亲自参与做小蛋糕了,不懂这要求会是每年必备还是...Birthday cupcake’s idea 💡 for their lovely daddy, even outcome is not a moist and fluffy texture but they show their sincerity 😊. 


{材料} 核桃碎100克,红萝卜½条(刨丝切碎),蜂蜜20毫升,低筋面粉90克,盐1/4茶匙,柠檬汁2汤匙,柠檬皮碎少许,泡打粉1茶匙,鸡蛋3粒,红糖80克。 


1. 把蛋黄和蛋白分开。 
2. 蛋黄和红糖搅拌均匀,加入盐,分两次加入柠檬皮、蜂蜜,萝卜和核桃碎拌均匀,调入柠檬汁和另外一半的柠檬皮、蜂蜜、萝卜和核桃碎混合均匀。(别搅拌过度哦!) 
3. 泡打粉加入低筋面粉中过筛,分2-3次加入做法2搅拌均匀。 
4. 蛋白加塔塔粉/柠檬汁打发至硬性发泡,将一半的蛋白霜拌入蛋黄糊里,上下翻拌均匀后,倒回在另一半的蛋白霜内继续翻拌混合均匀。 
5. 把面糊倒入杯子蛋糕的纸杯中,准备烤。预热烤箱170°C, 烤20分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏。 

 Honey Brown Sugar Walnut Carrot Cupcakes 

{Ingredients} Chopped walnuts 100g, Carrot ½ pcs(chopped), honey 20ml, cake flour 90g, salt 1/4 tsp, lemon juice 2 tbsp, some chopped lemon peel, baking powder 1 tsp, eggs 3 pcs, brown sugar 80g. 


1. Separate egg white and egg yolk. 
2. Beat the egg yolks and brown sugar till well combined, add in salt and 1st portion of lemon peel, honey, carrot and walnuts; season in lemon juice and 2nd portion of lemon peel, honey, carrot and walnut, to stir and mix until well combined. (Do Not over mix!) 
3. Cake flour +baking powder, sifting in 2-3 times into direction 2 batter. 
4. Egg whites + cream of tartar/ lemon juice to whisk until stiff peak, add 1/2 of the egg whites mixture in egg yolk batter to fold it through up&down style, once well combine pour it back on top of the leftover egg white mixture to whisk until fully combined. 
5. Pour the batter into the paper cups to bake in pre-heated oven 170°C, bake for 20mins. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.)

Previous:紫的桂花糕 Osmanthus Flower Purple Jelly 


Saturday, September 25, 2021

紫的桂花糕 Osmanthus Flower Purple Jelly

A daily dose of purple蝶豆花+桂花👉🏻紫色系的桂花糕,吸引眼球神秘又感性的色调。柔美的紫色永远都是令QQ紫陶醉其中的颜色。Purple is just…awesome. I love most of the purple things, enjoy every purple moment while busy in the kitchen. Don’t worry, be purple💜 


{材料} 蝶豆花水适量(干蝶豆花10朵),清水1000毫升,桂花 1 茶匙(热水泡5分钟),幼糖70克,燕菜粉4 茶匙 + 即溶果冻粉1 茶匙(两者拌均匀),柠檬汁适量。  


1. 干蝶豆花加180毫升的水煮至颜色变深,沥干待凉备用 。 
2. 1000毫升清水,加入幼糖+燕菜果冻粉搅拌均匀后开炉火煮至糖完全融化,过程中请不断搅拌均匀。  
3. 煮沸后熄火,取出1/4份量后加入桂花,倒入模具中-第一层:透明桂花层;加热再取出1/4份量-第二层:加适量的蝶豆花水拌均匀倒入模具中; 加热再取出1/4的份量-第三层:加入适量的蝶豆花水+适量柠檬汁调成紫色倒入模具; 加热再取出最后的份量-四层:加入适量的蝶豆花水+几滴柠檬汁调成浅紫色倒入模具。 
4. 放入冰箱冷藏至少3小时以上即可脱模。  


Osmanthus Flower Purple Jelly 

{Ingredients} Some butterfly pea flower water (dried butterfly pea flower 10pcs), water 1000ml, osmanthus flower 1 tsp (soak in hot water for 5 mins), castor sugar 70g, agar powder 4 tsp + jelly powder 1 tsp (mix them well), some lemon juice. 


1. Cook dry butterfly pea flowers in 180ml water until the colour turn darkened. 
2. Mix 1000 ml of water with sugar+agar powder and jelly powder well, then cook under medium heat until sugar fully dissolved, continue stirring.  
3. Bring to boil and off the heat, take 1/4 portion of the mixture, add in osmanthus flower to mix well and to pour into molds-1st layer: transparent osmanthus flower; reheating mixtures and take another 1/4 portion- 2nd layer: add in some butterfly pea flower water and mix well before pour into molds; reheat mixture again-3rd layer: add in some butterfly pea flower water + some of lemon juices to turn into purple color and mix well before pour into molds; reheat mixture again-4th layer: add in some butterfly pea flower water + few drops of lemon juices to turn into light purple color and mix well before pour into molds. 
4. Keep refrigerated for at least 3 hours or overnight before serve. 

***Before pour in next layer, please ensure surface is dry first for better dreamy colour.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

菠菜薄煎饼 Spinach Pancake

Pancake搭过了很多食材,菠菜薄饼是孩子们今天想尝试一下的味道。以为加点无盐黄油煎可以吃得香些,结果发现多此一举呢😅Craving for pancakes but not sure if it is healthy? This simple recipe guarantees you mouth-watering fluffy pancakes that are low in fat and packed with nutrition. Skip the syrup and too pancakes with your favourite fruits to satisfy your sweet tooth with natural sweetness from fruits. Fruits like banana, kiwi, strawberries and blueberries pair well with these pancakes.


{材料} 菠菜100克,清水50毫升,鸡蛋1粒,植物油1汤匙,自发面粉165克(过筛),幼糖20克,泡打粉3克,盐5克。 


1. 面粉、糖、泡打粉和盐就在一个干的容器中搅拌均匀备用(干的材料) 

2. 菠菜、水、鸡蛋和油放入搅拌机中搅成糊状(湿的材料) 

3. 把干和湿的材料混合均匀备用。 

4. 平底锅中火预热后,放入适量面糊开始煎薄饼(无盐奶油可以不用放,薄饼皮会更滑更好看哦)。 

5. 每面煎制大约2分钟左右或表面冒泡即可翻面,重复煎至至面糊用完即可。 

Spinach Pancake 

{Ingredients} Fresh baby spinach 100g, water 50ml, large egg 1 pcs, oil 1 tbsp, self rising flour (sifted)165g, sugar 20g, baking powder 3g, salt 5g. 


1. In a clean bowl, add in flour, sugar, baking powder and salt, whisk the ingredients to mix well. 

2. Blend spinach, water, egg, and oil together until smooth. 

3. Fold the wet ingredients into the dry until just combined. 

4. Heat a large pan over medium heat and pour enough pancake mixture onto the pan making as many pancakes as will fit (skip grease with butter or oil as surface not nice). 

5. Cook for about 2 mins until bubbles form on the surface, flip the pancake and cook for another 2-3 mins or until fully cooked. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

腐皮干贝粥 Dried Bean Curd Sheets➕Scallops Congee

简单易熬的营养【粥】到👉🏻腐皮➕干贝,口感鲜美、营养好喝。清爽绵滑的一锅熟粥,材料准备好,一键就搞定啦。Congee also called rice porridge, is the ultimate comfort food. Don’t Have Time to Cook…fit this amazing life-giving congee into your super busy schedule. It’s saving you plenty of time.

{粥材料} 腐皮2片(泡软剪成小片),干贝3 汤匙(洗净沥干),白米½杯,小米1杯,胡萝卜块(洗净去皮,切块状),高丽菜丝和枸杞适量,蒜姜碎适量。 

{粥调味料} 鲍鱼汁1汤匙,清水12杯,橄榄油1茶匙,盐1茶匙和胡椒粉适量。 

***午餐肉切片,烤盘铺上烘焙纸,放上切好的午餐肉,预热烤箱210°C, 双面各烤8分钟左右。 


1. 先把白米和小米洗净,加入橄榄油和盐搅拌均匀,加入腐皮片、干贝、高丽菜丝、萝卜块,调入鲍鱼汁和胡椒粉,倒入清水,拌均即后就可以按下高压锅煮粥键开煮。 

2. 起1大匙油锅,加入蒜姜碎炒至上色后熄火,待粥煮熟后倒入提香。 

3. 粥煮好后,倒入枸杞和蒜姜碎拌一拌,焖2-3分钟即可趁温热享用咯。 

Dried Bean Curd Sheets ➕Scallops Congee 

{Porridge Ingredients} Dried bean curd sheet 2 pieces (soak till soft, slices), dried scallops 3 tbsp(washed),white rice ½ cup, millet 1 cup, some carrots pieces (washed, peeled and cut into pieces), some shredded cabbage and goji berries, chopped garlic and ginger. 

{Porridge Seasonings} Abalone sauce 1 tbsp, water 12 cups, olive oil 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp and some pepper to taste. 

Side dishes: 
***Eggs x 3 (beaten with soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), some chopped shallots👉🏻Heat up oil to sauté chopped shallots till fragrant, fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside. 
***Luncheon meat(slices): put on baking paper over baking pan, pre-heated oven 210°C, bake for 8mins each side. 


1. Rinse white rice and millet well, add in olive oil and salt, add in bean curd sheet, scallops , cabbage and carrots, season in abalone sauce and pepper, pressure cook. 

2. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil to saute chopped garlic and gingers till change color, off the heat, only add on to porridge that cooked. 

3. Add in goji berries after porridge done cooked, stir well to ensure lightly simmer for 2-3 mins, ready to serve with side dishes. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

南瓜一锅熟鸡肉饭 Pumpkin Rice Cooker Chicken Rice

南瓜+鸡肉是主角,其它材料就家里有啥用啥吧。被催了,赶工时期…电饭锅料理将是近期救命的稻草啊…一锅熟电饭锅料理看似简单,实则事前准备材料的时间也不少哦。不过,材料是可以提前做好准备滴,那煮的时候就不慌不忙咯😉。One pot rice really conveniently fulfilling those super busy days especially current work from 🏡situation. Pumpkin for fibre & beta carotene, chicken for protein & satiety, mushroom to add savoury umami flavour. 


{材料} 白米2杯(洗和沥干)、香菇3朵(泡软切丝)、鸡肉块150克(用酱油和胡椒粉腌制好)、南瓜400克(去皮切块)、胡萝卜块、甜椒块、鱼丸块适量、蒜碎,姜碎、小红葱碎适量、清水550毫升、鸡蛋4粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),西兰花/小白菜适量(洗净切块切丝备用)。 

{调味料} 黑酱油1汤匙、酱油2汤匙、甜酱油2汤匙、蚝油1汤匙和清水/高汤/泡香菇水适量,拌均匀。 

1. 西兰花/小白菜先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。 
2. 起油锅爆香蒜姜葱碎,接着加入香菇丝炒香后,加入南瓜、萝卜、鸡肉和鱼丸块翻炒片刻,加入调味料、洗净白米和分几次倒入清水550毫升,翻炒均匀后加入甜椒再次拌均。 
3. 全部都倒入电饭锅内(水的用量确定能覆盖到所有材料就可以了),按下煮饭键煮熟即可。 
4. 起油锅爆香小红葱碎,倒入鸡蛋液炒熟备用。 
5. 配料准备好,即可享用一锅熟的电饭锅焖饭咯。 
Pumpkin Chicken Rice 

{Ingredients} White rice 2 cups (rinsed&drained), dried shiitake mushrooms 3pcs(soaked&sliced), chicken 150g(marinated with some soy sauce and pepper), pumpkin (skinned& cut into pieces) 400g, some carrots pieces, bell peppers pieces, some fish balls pieces, some chopped garlic, ginger and shallots, water 550ml, eggs 4 pieces(beaten with some soy sauce, sesame oil and pepper), some broccoli/green veggies. 

{Seasonings} Dark soy sauce 1 tbsp, light soy sauce 2 tbsp, sweet soy sauce 2 tbsp, oyster sauce 1 tbsp, and some water/broth/mushroom water. 

1. Blanch over broccoli/shredded bok choy with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 
2. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic, ginger, and shallots till fragrant, add in mushrooms to stir fry a while, add in pumpkins, carrots, chicken, and fish balls to continue frying, follow by add in seasonings, white rice and 500ml of water (divide to pour in 2-3 times), lastly add in bell pepper to mix well. 
3. Transfer everything into a rice cooker, cook as you would regular rice. 
4. Heat up oil to sauté chopped shallots until fragrant, add in egg mixture and fry until cooked and set aside. 
5. When ready, fluff up the rice and let it sit for another 5 minutes in the rice cooker before serving. 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

金黄番薯蛋 Golden Sweet Potato Balls

 上周分享了QQ紫薯球,这周换个颜色。橙色肉的番薯球、地瓜球、番薯蛋、番薯丸子等都可以是它的名字。孩子们难得一见自告奋勇要求想学多一点此道小甜点,反复做了这小零嘴3-4遍让她们乐在其中,慢慢地看着C&J掌握了多一些又多一点,最重要她们不嫌累耶。QQ orange sweet potato balls is a bite-sized snack for kids and anyone who likes to taste. 


{材料} 熟橙色肉番薯250克,木薯粉55克 ,粘米粉5克, 幼糖30克 


1. 蒸好的番薯块趁热压成泥状,加入幼糖拌均匀,分几次加入木薯粘米粉,直到能揉捏成软团。 2. 将番薯团揉成长条状,切小块状,每块大约6-8克,搓成小圆球形状待用(也可以速冻保存,要炸时才室温解冻)。 
3. 热油,油一定要能盖过番薯球的一半以上,小火慢煎,每颗第一次按压会变大一点,煎的过程中按压8-10次左右。 
4. 稍微上色后,捞起,转大火复炸一分钟逼出油即可。用厨房纸巾控油后,待温热即可享用啦。

Golden Sweet Potato Balls 

{Ingredients} Steamed orange sweet potato 250g, Tapioca flour 55g, Rice flour 5g, Castor sugar 30g 


1. Mashed the steamed sweet potato while it’s hot, add in sugar to mix well, slowly add in tapioca + rice flour, knead until forming a soft but not sticky dough. 
2. Roll into long strips, cut into small pieces, each piece 6-8g, and shape into ball shape(frozen those unused, thaw in room temperature once wanna fry). 
3. Heat up enough oil under low heat, deep fry sweet potato balls over low heat, stir them constantly, press the balls down with strainer and it will slightly up the size, press about 8-10 times during frying process. 4. When slightly colour, dish up and turn to high heat to deep fry again within 1 min. Drain on kitchen towel, serve warm hot. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

QQ红糖紫薯球 QQ Purple Sweet Potato Balls

紫薯球、番薯球、地瓜球、番薯蛋、番薯丸子等都是它的名字。孩子们指定想一起学习的一道小点心、小零食;也是她们近期的下午茶,很亲子的厨房亲子乐哦, 一次过可以做几盒速冻冷藏保存,想吃😋的时候炸一炸就有得享用口感超赞+外酥里嫩的紫薯球咯。QQ sweet potato balls is a bite-sized vegan snack👉🏻crispy outside, chewy inside. 


{材料} 熟紫薯250克,木薯粉80克,粘米粉10克,红糖30克。 

1. 蒸好的紫薯块趁热压成泥状,加入红糖拌均匀,分几次加入木薯粘米粉,直到能揉捏成软团(只用大约60克左右,剩余的下次再用)。 
2. 将紫薯团揉成长条状,切小块状,每块大约6-8克,搓成小圆球形状待用(也可以速冻保存,要炸时才室温解冻)。 
3. 热油,油一定要能盖过紫薯球的一半以上,小火慢煎,每颗第一次按压会变大一点,煎的过程中按压8-10次左右。 
4. 稍微上色后,捞起,转大火复炸一分钟逼出油即可。用厨房纸巾控油后,待温热即可享用啦。 

Brown Sugar Purple Sweet Potato Balls 

{Ingredients} Steamed purple sweet potato 250g, tapioca flour 80g, rice flour 10g, brown sugar 30g. 

1. Mashed the steamed sweet potato while it’s hot, add in brown sugar to mix well, slowly add in tapioca + rice flour, knead until forming a soft but not sticky dough (Flour mixture use 60g only, leftover keep for next time). 
2. Roll into long strips, cut into small pieces, each piece 6-8g, and shape into ball shape(frozen those unused, thaw in room temperature once wanna fry). 
3. Heat up enough oil under low heat, deep fry sweet potato balls over low heat, stir them constantly, press the balls down with strainer and it will slightly up the size, press about 8-10 times during frying process. 4. When slightly colour, dish up and turn to high heat to deep fry again within 1 min. Drain on kitchen towel, serve warm hot. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

波兰种淡奶油南瓜小面包 Poolish Pumpkin Whip Cream Bun


波兰种+淡奶油+南瓜,再次学习做松软香甜可口的小餐包。为了“消灭”淡奶油而擅改的食谱,有点高热量,如果没有剩下很多whip cream,用30毫升即可。这食谱就想知道whip cream放多了会怎样…成品和口感真的不错,很OK只是不太亲子的家庭味咯,呵呵😆🤭😆 


{波兰种} 高筋面粉50克,干酵母1克,清水50毫升。 

{主面团材料} 高筋面粉 250克,熟南瓜泥50克(块状),干酵母3克,红糖18克,盐3克,无盐黄油20克,椰糖汁80毫升,淡奶油80毫升左右。 

{抹皮装饰} 融化牛油、面包粉、美乃滋。 

1. 波兰种提前准备好,全部材料拌均后,盖上盖子室温发酵至少3小时后才能用或者室温发酵1小时后移去冰箱冷藏隔夜大约15小时左右再用。 
2. 将全部材料放入面包机内(除了黄油)混合均匀(大约5分钟左右),加入黄油揉至光滑面团和发酵至两倍大(大约50分钟左右)。 
3. 将发酵好了的面团在撒了些面粉的桌面擀平排气,分成合适的份量,休面十分钟左右再搓成小圆团或整形做成各种形状的面包。 
4. 放烘盘上,盖好做二次发酵(约40-50分钟),抹上融化牛油,撒些面包粉和挤上适量的美乃滋。 
5. 预热烤箱170°C, 烤25分钟左右。 

Poolish Pumpkin Whip Cream Bun 

{Poolish} Bread flour/high protein flour 50g, instant yeast 1g, water 50g. 

{Main Ingredients} Bread flour 250g, steamed pumpkin 50g (pieces),instant yeast 3g, brown sugar 18g, salt 3g, unsalted butter 20g, gula melaka syrup 80ml, whipping cream 80ml. 

{Glazing/garnishing} Melted unsalted butter, bread flour, mayonnaise. 
***Can replace whipping cream with milk, palm sugar syrup or water. 

1. Prepare the poolish starter in advance, cover and set aside to let it fermented for at least 3 hours or 1 hour room temperature and then move to refrigerated for 15 hours only use. 
2. Mix all ingredients in a bread machine(except butter) till well combined, add in butter and let it knead until a smooth dough forms and well fermented (about 50 mins). 
3. Transfer dough onto a floured surface, flatten and divide dough into equal portions, let it rest for 10 mins only shape to smooth ball shape or any desired shape. 
4. Cover and leave aside to prove till double in bulk (about 40-50mins), glaze with melted butter, topped with some bread flour and squeezing some mayonnaise on top. 
5. Pre-heated oven 170°C, bake for 25mins.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

自制椰糖冰淇淋 Homemade Gula Melaka Ice Cream

纯椰糖冰淇淋...在马来西亚,Gula Melaka=椰糖。英文翻译为coconut palm sugar. 椰糖是烹饪任何大马或东南亚美食常见的调味品,无论是主餐、前菜、面包、糕点、甜品等都能发挥其作用。用椰糖做出来的冰淇淋味道特别浓郁醇香,想要更亲子些可以将椰糖液减去20毫升左右。 


{椰糖液} 椰糖120克,清水50毫升,炼奶20毫升(可放斑斓叶3-5片,洗净打结加入煮至椰糖融化)。 

{材料} 鲜奶油400毫升,香草精几滴, 椰糖液100毫升。 ***打发鲜奶油的容器等预先放入冰箱冷藏至少20-30分钟。  


1. 椰糖+清水隔水小火慢煮大约10分或至椰糖溶化,待凉后,加入炼奶拌均匀冷藏一下。煮好的椰糖水只用100毫升(多出的拿来做馒头或面包或燕菜果冻等)。  

2. 鲜奶油+香草精低速开始打发1分钟后转去中速继续打发1分钟,然后高速打发2分钟至接近干性发泡即可。 

3. 一次过加入冷藏的椰糖炼奶, 轻轻翻拌均匀后,倒入模具。 速冻冷藏至少要6-8小时左右才能享用,隔夜最佳。  

Homemade Gula Melaka Ice Cream  

{Syrup} Gula Melaka (palm sugar) 120g, water 50ml, condensed milk 20ml(Cook with few pieces of knotted pandan leaves if available). 

{Ingredients} Whipping cream 400ml, few drops of vanilla essence, gula melaka syrup 100ml. 

***Chilled mixing bowl and whisk attachment at least 20-30mins in advance before use to whip up the cream.  


1. Cook gula Melaka + water under low heat for about 10 mins or until the gula melaka fully dissolved. Mix with condensed milk while turn cool and keep refrigerated. Measure 100 ml of gula Melaka syrup(leftovers will refrigerated or frozen to use for bread or jelly making). 

2. Whip the cold whipping cream + vanilla essence with low speed at first for 1 min and turn to medium speed to continue whip for another 1 min, then high speed for 2 mins till form a firmer soft peak.  

3. Add in cold gula Melaka condensed milk mixtures and gently fold untill well mixed, pour into molds. Freeze for at least 6-8hours before enjoy it chill, or overnight is the best. 

 Previous: 波兰种碧根果地瓜吐司面包 Poolish Bun with Pecan and Sweet Potato

Sunday, August 1, 2021

波兰种碧根果地瓜吐司面包 Poolish Bun with Pecan and Sweet Potato



{波兰种} 高筋面粉50克,干酵母1克,清水50毫升。

{主面团材料} 高筋面粉 230克,鸡蛋一粒,干酵母3克,幼糖30克,盐2克,无盐黄油20克,冷藏牛奶90毫升左右。 


{抹皮} 融化牛油/牛奶适量 


1. 波兰种提前准备好,全部材料拌均后,盖上盖子室温发酵至少3小时后才能用或者室温发酵1小时后移去冰箱冷藏隔夜大约15小时左右再用。 
2. 将全部材料放入面包机内(除了黄油)混合均匀(大约5分钟左右),加入黄油揉至光滑面团和发酵至两倍大(大约50分钟左右)。 
3. 将发酵好了的面团在撒了些面粉的桌面揉捏排气,分成两份,搓成圆形休面十分钟左右。此时,碧根果切碎待用。 
4. 休面后,擀平排气卷成圆柱形再整形做成各种形状的面包,放入碧根果碎和熟地瓜块,包紧抹上一层牛奶,放入烘盘上盖好做二次发酵(约40-50分钟), 再抹上一层薄薄的牛奶。 
5. 预热烤箱170°C, 烤25分钟左右。取出抹上融化牛油。待凉切块即可享用咯。 

Poolish Bun with Pecan and Sweet Potato 

{Poolish} Bread flour/high protein flour 50g, instant yeast 1g, water 50g. 

{Main Ingredients} Bread flour 230g, egg 1pcs, instant yeast 3g, castor sugar 30g, salt 2g, unsalted butter 20g, cold milk 90ml. 

{Fillings} Steamed sweet potato 50g (pieces), some pecans. 

{Glazing} Melted unsalted butter/milk. 


1. Prepare the poolish starter in advance, cover and set aside to let it fermented for at least 3 hours or 1 hour room temperature and then move to refrigerated for 15 hours only use. 
2. Mix all ingredients in a bread machine(except butter) till well combined, add in butter and let it knead until a smooth dough forms and well fermented (about 50 mins). 
3. Transfer dough onto a floured surface, knead until well incorporated, divided into 2 portions, shape into circle shape, cover and rest for 10 mins. Cut pecan into fine chopped pieces. 4. Flatten and roll into a cylinder, shape to any desired shape , add in the filling and sealed well, glaze with a thin layer of milk. Cover and let it proof again for about 40-50mins. Brushing up another thin layer of milk. 
5. Pre-heated oven 170°C, bake for 25mins. Remove from oven and brush again with melted butter. Leave to cool only cut into pieces. 

Friday, July 23, 2021

亲子味炒米粉 Kid Style Fried Vermicelli


材料简单但亲子味十足的家常“碎”炒米粉。虽然普普通通,却是她们非常重视的亲身体验。疫情期间,宅家最热门的亲子活动之一 👉🏻 C&J心血来潮联手搞定我们的其中一餐耶,得记录一下乱中勉强有序的点滴😅💪🏼😆 


{材料} 鸡蛋4粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),米粉(川烫一分钟,沥干备用),高丽菜丝(洗净泡盐水15分钟,切丝备用),萝卜丝,鲍鱼菇丝适量,蒜碎和小红葱碎适量。 

{调味料}黑酱油1茶匙,酱油1汤匙,蚝油1茶匙,鱼露1茶匙,高汤 ½ 碗,芝麻油一茶匙,红糖 ½ 茶匙,盐和胡椒粉适量,混合搅拌均匀。 


1. 起油锅爆香小红葱碎,先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。 
2. 再起油锅爆香蒜碎和小红葱碎,加入鲍鱼菇丝和萝卜丝拌炒一下后,加入高丽菜丝炒均后倒入高汤和调味料炒均,盖好焖煮片刻。 
3. 然后,加入米粉翻炒均匀至水分收干,加入鸡蛋拌炒一下即可出锅。 

Kid Style Fried Vermicelli 

{Ingredients} Eggs 4pcs (beaten with some soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), vermicelli (blanch over hot boiling water for 1 min, drain well and set aside), shredded cabbage (soaked in salt water for 15 mins, shredded), carrots (shredded), shredded abalone mushroom, chopped garlic and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Black soy sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 tbsp, oyster sauce x 1 tsp, fish sauce x 1 tsp, broth x ½ cup, sesame oil x 1 tsp, brown sugar x ½ tsp, some salt and pepper, mix well. 


1. Heat up oil to saute some chopped shallots, pour in egg mixture to stir-fry till cooked and set aside. 
2. Heat up another round of oil to saute garlics and shallots till fragrant, add in shredded mushroom and carrots to stir-fry a while, add in cabbage, follow by broth and seasonings to mix well, cover and simmer cook for a while. 
3. Then, add in vermicelli to continue stir-frying until drying up , add in cooked eggs and mix them well, and enjoys. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

桂花枸杞蝶豆花鸡蛋果冻燕菜 Butterfly Pea Flower Jelly with Osmanthus flower and Gojiberries



{材料} 蝶豆花水适量(干蝶豆花10朵),清水1000毫升,桂花 ½ 茶匙(热水泡5分钟),枸杞适量(洗净,切碎),幼糖70克,燕菜粉4 茶匙 + 即溶果冻粉1 茶匙(两者拌均匀),柠檬汁适量。  


1. 干蝶豆花加180毫升的水煮至颜色变深,沥干待凉备用 。 

2. 枸杞和桂花依序放入鸡蛋壳/其它模具里面。 

3. 1000毫升清水,加入幼糖+燕菜果冻粉搅拌均匀后开炉火煮至糖完全融化,过程中请不断搅拌均匀。  

4. 煮沸后熄火,取出1/3份量倒入鸡蛋壳和其它模具中-第一层:透明层;加热再取出1/3份量-第二层:加适量的蝶豆花水拌均匀倒入模具中; 加热再取出最后的份量-第三层:加入适量的蝶豆花水+几滴柠檬汁调成紫色倒入模具。 

5. 放入冰箱冷藏至少3小时以上即可脱模享用。  


Butterfly Pea Flower Jelly with Osmanthus flower and Gojiberries 

{Ingredients} Some butterfly pea flower water (dried butterfly pea flower 10pcs), water 1000ml, osmanthus flower ½ tsp (soak in hot water for 5 mins), some goji berries (rinse well, cut into small pieces), castor sugar 70g, agar powder x 4 tsp + jelly powder x 1 tsp (mix them well), some lemon juice. 


1. Cook dry butterfly pea flowers in 180ml water until the colour turn darkened. 

2. Put osmanthus flowers and goji berries inside the eggshell or any molds. 

3. Mix 1000 ml of water with sugar+agar powder and jelly powder well, then cook under medium heat until sugar fully dissolved, continue stirring.  

4. Bring to boil and off the heat, take 1/3 portion of the mixture to pour into eggshells or other molds-1st layer: transparent; reheating mixtures and take another 1/3 portion- 2nd layer: add in some butterfly pea flower water and mix well before pour into molds; reheat mixture again-3rd layer: add in some butterfly pea flower water + few drops of lemon juices to turn into purple color and mix well before pour into eggshells or other molds. 

5. Keep refrigerated for at least 3 hours or overnight before serve. 

***Before pour in next layer, please ensure surface is dry first for better dreamy colour.

Previous:波兰种淡奶油紫薯小餐包 Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Bun

Friday, July 9, 2021

波兰种淡奶油紫薯小餐包 Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Bun


淡奶油+波兰种酵头用来做面包真是双赢。可以消耗开了却用不完的淡奶油, 而且用波兰种不需要更改原食谱的任何配方,做出来的口感和风味又棒极了👏🌟Poolish starter(pre-fermented) is able to deliver more soft and better flavors that “straight” dough won’t be able to give you. 


{波兰种} 高筋面粉50克,干酵母1克,清水50毫升。 

{主面团材料} 高筋面粉 250克,熟紫薯泥50克(块状/泥状),干酵母3克,红糖20克,盐3克,无盐黄油15克(可以不放),淡奶油90毫升左右。 

{抹皮装饰} 融化牛油/牛奶/鸡蛋液适量,美乃滋/黑芝麻。 


1. 波兰种提前准备好,全部材料拌均后,盖上盖子室温发酵至少3小时后才能用或者室温发酵1小时后移去冰箱冷藏隔夜大约15小时左右再用。 
2. 将全部材料放入面包机内(除了黄油)混合均匀(大约5分钟左右),加入黄油揉至光滑面团和发酵至两倍大(大约50分钟左右)。 
3. 将发酵好了的面团在撒了些面粉的桌面擀平排气,分成合适的份量,休面十分钟左右再搓成小圆团或整形做成各种形状的面包。 
4. 放入烘盘上盖好做二次发酵(约40-50分钟),抹上融化牛油,挤上适量的美乃滋或撒些黑芝麻。 
5. 预热烤箱170°C, 烤25分钟左右。取出抹上融化牛油(可省略)。 

Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Bun 

{Poolish} Bread flour/high protein flour 50g, instant yeast 1g, water 50g. 

{Main Ingredients} Bread flour 250g, purple sweet potato puree 50g (pieces/puree),instant yeast 3g, brown sugar 20g, salt 3g, unsalted butter 15g(optional), whipping cream 90ml. 

{Glazing/garnishing} Melted unsalted butter/milk/egg mixture, mayonnaise/black sesame. 

***Can replace purple sweet potato with 1 egg or others fillings. 
***Can replace whipping cream with milk, palm sugar syrup or water. 


1. Prepare the poolish starter in advance, cover and set aside to let it fermented for at least 3 hours or 1 hour room temperature and then move to refrigerated for 15 hours only use. 
2. Mix all ingredients in a bread machine(except butter) till well combined, add in butter and let it knead until a smooth dough forms and well fermented (about 50 mins). 
3. Transfer dough onto a floured surface, flatten and roll into a cylinder, divide dough into equal portions, let it rest for 10 mins only shape to smooth ball shape or any desired shape (or add in the fillings) and sealed it well. 
4. Place each bun on parchment paper, cover and leave aside to prove till double in bulk (about 40-50mins),glaze with melted butter, squeezing some mayonnaise or sprinkle some black sesame on top as garnishing. 
5. Pre-heated oven 170°C, bake for 25mins. Remove from oven and brush again with melted butter (optional). 

Friday, July 2, 2021

亲子炸鸡块煎蛋小汉堡 Homemade Chicken Nuggets Burger with Egg


自制亲子炸鸡块+ 小餐包+煎蛋=亲子炸鸡块煎蛋小汉堡💗Kid Friendly💗Homemade Chicken Nuggets Burger with Egg 


{材料} 小餐包,炸鸡肉块,煎蛋,美乃滋酱,紫菜片。 **配料-亲子南瓜酱,小黄瓜和圣女果(自行选择哦)。 


1. 全部材料准备好后,把鸡肉块和鸡蛋煎至两面金黄即可。 
2. 小餐包切开但别切断,依序先放一些美乃滋,煎蛋片,紫菜片,再一些美乃滋,加上炸鸡肉块和一些美乃滋即可享用咯。 

Homemade Chicken Nuggets Burger with Egg 

{Ingredients} Dinner roll, chicken nuggets, fried eggs, mayonnaise, roasted seaweed. **Side dishes-pumpkin sauce, baby cucumber, cherry tomatoes (personal preference). 


1. Get ready all the ingredients, fry the chicken nuggets and eggs till cooked. 

2. Cut the dinner roll but don’t cut all, arrange the ingredients start by some mayonnaise , follow by fried egg, seaweed, then again some mayonnaise , add on chicken nuggets and mayonnaise. Serve warm hot. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

自制外酥里嫩的炸鸡块 Homemade Crispy Chicken Nuggets

 0失败‼️自制亲子外酥里嫩的炸鸡块,炸好后C&J说很像麦当劳的耶😊一次过可以做多一些,整理成条状后速冻保存起来,要吃时才拿出室温退温10分钟,切片调好面糊,炸一炸就能吃到啦😋Simply Juicy Delicious😋Homemade Crispy Chicken Nuggets, double the recipe to enjoy now and later! Having Homemade Nuggets Whenever You Get The Craving❗️ 


{鸡肉馅料} 去皮无骨鸡胸肉450克(切小块状),熟马铃薯块100克,蒜米3汤匙,姜碎½茶匙,葱白3-5根(切块状),鸡蛋一粒,五香粉½茶匙,胡椒粉1茶匙,盐1茶匙,玉米淀粉2汤匙,蚝油1汤匙。 


1. 鸡肉块+熟马铃薯块+葱白、蒜米和姜碎搅成泥状, 加入鸡蛋、五香粉、胡椒粉、盐和玉米淀粉搅拌匀后,调入蚝油再次搅拌均匀。 
2. 放入保鲜膜中,整成长条状放入冰箱冷冻2-3小时(不马上炸来吃的就继续冷冻保存2-3个月)。 
3. 面糊预先调好,冷冻好的鸡肉取出,切成大小适中的厚块,裹上面糊。 
4. 锅中倒入适量橄榄油加热,放入鸡肉块中小火慢炸至双面金黄色,捞出控油。 
5. 搭配番茄/辣椒酱或其它你喜欢的酱,趁温热享用。 

Homemade Chicken Nuggets 

{Chicken filling Ingredients} Boneless skinless chicken breast 450g (cut into small pieces), steamed potato pieces 100g, chopped garlic 3 tbsp, chopped ginger ½ tsp, diced bottom of green onions 3-5 pieces, egg x 1, five spice powder ½ tsp, pepper 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp, corn starch 2 tbsp, oyster sauce 1 tbsp. 

{Batter Ingredients} All purpose flour 2 tbsp, cook’s frying powder 2 tbsp, corn starch 2 tbsp, water 100 ml, egg yolk x 1, black pepper 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp. 
***Can replace cook’s frying powder with all purpose flour. 

1. Blend bite sized chicken pieces + steamed potatoes + onions, garlic & ginger until smooth texture, add in egg, five spice powder, pepper, salt and corn starch to mix well, follow by season in oyster sauce and mix until well combined. 
2. Transfer to plastic wrap, roll into long strips and keep frozen for 2-3 hours (can keep up to 2-3 months if not eat now). 
3. Prepare the batter, take out the solid chicken meat from frozen to room temperature to rest for 10 mins before cutting into pieces, coat each piece with batter evenly. 
4. Fry the chicken nuggets in hot olive oil until golden brown, remove and drain on kitchen towel. 
5. Enjoying your nuggets while warm hot with favorite sauces.

Friday, June 18, 2021

轻乳酪杯子蛋糕 Cotton Cheese Cupcake

 水浴法👉🏻口感细腻轻盈的棉花乳酪杯子蛋糕盒,亲子活动算非常顺利,有些许回缩,基本上不开裂,虽然貌不惊人但是口感真的绵密柔软😋冷藏2-3小时后食用最佳。Water bath👉🏻Fluffy and light cream cheese cupcakes, a timeless recipe that kids love always, fail proof even 1st trying together with 6 years old little one. Refrigerated for 2-3 hours before eating will has a premium taste. 

棉花乳酪蛋糕 Cotton Cheese Cake 


{材料A} 奶油乳酪250克,牛奶130毫升,玉米油50克,蛋黄5个。 
{材料B} 低筋面粉40克(过筛),玉米淀粉20克(过筛),盐½茶匙。 
{材料C} 蛋白5个,幼糖60克,柠檬汁½茶匙。 

1. 将材料A(除了蛋黄)隔水煮溶后,用手搅拌器把一个个加入的蛋黄拌均匀。 
2. 然后,筛入材料B搅拌至无颗粒状,过筛后放入冰箱冷藏备用。 
3. 准备搅打材料C,中速将鸡蛋白打出一些泡泡后加入柠檬汁搅拌30秒后加入第一次幼糖,搅拌至出现纹路后加入第二次幼糖继续搅拌至出现很明显的纹路加入最后的幼糖(幼糖分三次加入),打至中湿性发泡即可(提起有弯钩,倒转过来蛋白不会掉下)。 
4. 将一半的蛋白霜拌入蛋黄乳酪糊里,上下翻拌均匀后,倒回在另一半的蛋白霜内继续翻拌混合均匀,不可划圈哦。 
5. 把拌好的蛋糕糊倒入杯子蛋糕的纸杯中,大力震几下消消大气泡后准备烤。 
6. 预热烤箱150°C, 烤35-45分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏哦!) 
7. 让蛋糕在烤箱门微开的状态闷上10分钟, 出炉待冷后放入冰箱冷藏2-3小时后再食用味道更好。 

 Cotton Cheese Cupcakes 

{Ingredients A} Cream cheese 250g, milk 130g, corn oil 50g, egg yolks 5pcs. 
{Ingredients B} Cake flour 40g(sifted), corn starch 20g(sifted), salt ½ tsp. 
{Ingredients C} Egg white 5 pcs, castor sugar 60g, lemon juice ½ tsp. 

1. Melting all ingredients A over a double boiler, add in egg yolk 1 by 1 each time to mix it well. 
2. Then, sift in ingredients B and mix until the flour is fully combined, sifting the batter and keep refrigerated. 
3. Whisk ingredients C-whisk egg whites till got bubbles add in lemon juice to beat for 30 seconds, divide the sugar to 3 portions, add 1 each time to whisk until medium peaks is formed. 
4. Add 1/2 of the egg whites mixture in egg yolk cheese batter, mix in 1 direction by fold it through up&down style, once well combine pour it back on top of the leftover egg white mixture to whisk until fully combined. 
5. Follow by pouring the batter into the paper cups, knock out the big bubbles and get ready to bake. 
6. Pre-heated oven 150°C, bake for 35-45mins. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.) 
7. Leave to cool in oven with door ajar for about 10mins as sudden changes in temperature may cause the cake to cool too quickly and collapse, refrigerate for 2-3 hours before eating will has a better taste. ***Before preheat the oven, pour in right amount of water at the bottom of oven, to create a sauna effect but will not add dampness to the cake through water bath baking.

Friday, June 11, 2021

腐皮高丽菜 拌蛋 Bean Curd Skin Cabbage with Fried Eggs


包菜/高丽菜/卷心菜+腐皮+炒鸡蛋,简单的调味,快手家常菜但营养成分挺高的亲子家庭味。Lock down again, quick and easy recipe to survive in such rush weekdays life to be a mom, wife, teacher, cook, cleaner, etc. 


{材料} 高丽菜丝适量,腐皮一张(泡软撕成大块妆),萝卜丝,鸡蛋2粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),蒜碎,小红葱碎适量。 



1. 起油锅爆香蒜小红葱碎,先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。 

2. 再起油锅爆香蒜碎后,加入萝卜丝和腐皮,调入盐和一些清水/高汤拌炒一下,加入高丽菜丝和适量的清水/高汤,调入蚝油,盖好焖煮大约3-5分钟左右。 

3. 然后,把炒熟鸡蛋加入翻炒至汤汁再次煮沸就OK了。 

Bean Curd Skin Cabbage with Fried Eggs 

{Ingredients} Some shredded cabbage, bean curd skin 1 piece(soaked till tender, tears into bite size pieces), some shredded carrots, eggs x 2 (beaten with soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), some chopped garlic and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Oyster sauce ½ tbsp (can increase to 1 tbsp), salt ½ tsp, some water/broth. 


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped shallots till fragrant, fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside. 

2. Heat up another round of oil to saute chopped garlic till fragrant, add in carrots and bean curd skin to stir fry a while, season in salt and some water/broth to continue stir-frying, add in cabbage and some more water/broth, season in oyster sauce, cover up and simmer cook for 3-5mins. 

3. Then, add in cooked eggs to continue stir-frying until the sauce is boiling again. Ready to serve. 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

波兰种紫薯包子 Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Steamed Bun

波兰种酵头👉🏻除了用来做面包,其实用在包子或馒头也十分OK,做出来的口感和风味很不错的哟…亲子活动一起体验做包子就算揉不够和过头口感一点都不会差哦,只是波兰种的包子整形后发酵会快一点,如果速度不一致会导致出锅的状态不佳,不过不影响口感的,呵呵😄🤭Poolish starter(pre-fermented) is able to deliver more soft and better flavors that “straight” dough won’t be able to give you. 


{波兰种} 包粉/普通面粉50克,干酵母1克,清水50毫升。 

{主面团材料} 包粉/普通面粉 230克,熟番薯泥60克(块状/泥状),干酵母3克,糖15克,玉米油或其它植物油8克,水90毫升左右。 


1. 波兰种提前准备好,全部材料拌均后,盖上盖子室温发酵至少3小时后才能用或者室温发酵1小时后移去冰箱冷藏隔夜大约15小时左右再用。 

2. 将全部材料放入面包机内,混合均匀揉至光滑面团和发酵至两倍大(大约60分钟左右)。 

3. 将发酵好了的面团在撒了些面粉的桌面擀平排气,搓成长条状,分成合适的份量,休面十分钟左右再搓成小圆团后就开始整形做成你喜欢的形状(做馅料包子,整形后的小面团包入番薯/其它馅料捏紧)封口朝下放入已经铺上一层防油纸的蒸锅中,二次发酵10-15分钟左右即可(波兰种整形后依据室温发酵比普通面种来得快一些)。 

4. 水煮开后,放上蒸锅中大火蒸12分钟左右,熄火焖3-5分钟。趁热享用或待凉后速冻,速冻请在1-2个月内吃完最好。 


Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Steamed Bun 

{Poolish} Bao /all purpose flour 50g, instant yeast 1g, water 50g. 

{Main Ingredients} Bao /all purpose flour 230g, sweet potato puree 60g (pieces/puree),instant yeast 3g, sugar 15g, oil (corn oil or other vegetable’s oil) 8g, water 90ml. 


1. Prepare the poolish starter in advance, cover and set aside to let it fermented for at least 3 hours or 1 hour room temperature and then move to refrigerated for 15 hours only use. 

2. Mix all ingredients well in a bread machine, let it knead until a smooth dough forms and well fermented (about 60 mins). 

3.Transfer dough onto a floured surface, flatten and roll into a cylinder, divide dough into equal portions, let it rest for 10 mins only shape to desired shape (or add in the fillings) and sealed it well, place each bun on parchment paper and let it rest for 10-15mins (poolish bun rise more faster after done shaped). 

4. Place the shaped dough on the steamer that with boiling water to steam for about 12 mins under medium high heat. Serve hot or let it be cool and frozen it to keep for consume within 1-2 month. 

***Frozen bun do not need to thaw, only need to re-steam for 10 mins when want to consume!
***For better surface of buns, knead extra 1 min while transferring to floured surface, and add in a little bit lard will gives you a better outcome.

Friday, May 28, 2021

万用紫薯馅 Multipurpose Purple Sweet Potato Filling


纯天然无添加的紫薯馅,3种材料就能做出万用的紫薯馅料!它可以直接用来做成紫薯包子、面包或蛋糕,也可以做成有紫薯馅料的包子、面包馅、蛋糕馅等。Multipurpose natural purple sweet potato paste suitable to use for making steamed bun, bread or cake,etc. 真心觉得特别实用超级百搭的紫薯馅料好吃又超容易做…最最最重要的是它是紫色的,哈哈哈😂 自家制做就觉得特别亲子😂



1. 番薯馅料先炒至水份稍微收干即可,待凉搓成丸子备用或速冻保存即可。 

***小份量:紫薯泥100克(按压方式压成粗泥状 ),10克糖和8-10克油。 

Brown Sugar Purple Sweet Potato Filling 

{Filling Ingredients} Steamed sweet potato puree x 400g (add some water, using blender to blend it till smooth mixture), brown sugar 30-40g, corn oil 30-40g. 

1. Stir-fry the sweet potato puree with corn oil and brown sugar till slightly thickening, shaping into a small ball and set aside or keep frozen for later days. 

***Small portion: Sweet potato 100g (press the steamed diced sweet potato with fork till desired smooth texture), 10g brown sugar of sugar, 7-8g corn oil 

Friday, May 21, 2021

核桃红糖香蕉杯子蛋糕 Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cupcakes

香蕉味极浓的斑兰核桃红糖香蕉杯子蛋糕,等不及香蕉有斑点,她们就很热心地说要帮忙做蛋糕😂,因为她们想吃。还要临时突发奇想非要加入斑兰粉变成Pandan味😅…小孩子就是能没有太多的想法而轻易地活出自己。只要是合理的,愿每个孩子们在成长的过程中能够保留自己独一无二的样子。等久久的核桃香蕉杯子蛋糕,很适合多重身份的「婆妈」。节奏拿捏好,不至于太赶。Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cupcakes with pandan flavor...purposely choose to follow waiting time slightly longer's recipe.To make a soft and moist, easy to make banana walnut cupcake is worth to wait and i can occupied the waiting time to cook my angels' meal.


{材料} 熟透香蕉泥450-500克,柠檬汁½茶匙,苏打粉1茶匙,鸡蛋3粒,红糖80克,自发面粉150克,盐½茶匙,斑兰粉1茶匙,核桃碎适量,玉米油50毫升。 


1. 熟透的香蕉用叉子或按压器压成泥状,加入柠檬汁,然后再加入苏打粉混合均匀后盖好静置45分钟。 
2. 鸡蛋和红糖用搅拌器打散,搅拌至糖融化即可,不必打发。然后,筛入自发粉、盐和斑兰粉搅拌至无颗粒状备用。(别搅拌过度哦!) 
3. 加入香蕉泥和核桃碎拌均再盖好待发30-40分钟左右,最后加入玉米油搅拌均匀,让面糊再休息5-10分钟后才把面糊倒入杯子蛋糕的纸杯中,准备烤。 
4. 预热烤箱160°C, 烤20-25分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏哦!) 


 Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cupcakes

{Ingredients} Mashed very ripe banana x 450-500g, lemon juice ½ tsp, baking soda x 1 tsp, eggs x 3, brown sugar x 80g, self-raising flour x 150g, salt ½ tsp, pandan powder 1 tsp, some chopped walnuts, corn oil x 50ml. 


1. Mash the very ripe bananas in a bowl until fine, add in lemon juice & baking soda to mix them well and set aside for 45mins. 
2. Beat the eggs and brown sugar till well combined, don’t need to be foamy. Then, sift in the self-raising flour, salt, and pandan powder to stir and mix until the flour is fully combined . (Do Not over mix!) 
3. Add in mashed banana and walnuts, gently stir till to ensure well combined and let it rest for another 30-40 mins. Then, pour in corn oil, continue stirring till mix well, let the batter rest for 5-10 mins. before pour the batter into the paper cups. 
4. Preheat oven 160°C, baked for 20-25 mins. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.) 

 ***Before preheat the oven, pour in 200ml water at the bottom of oven, to have a better or nice cake surface plus more moisture texture. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

亲子DIY手作爱心卡片 Easiest DIY Handmade Greeting Card

How to make the easiest but lovely DIY handmade paper greeting card for any festively day? Here is an idea 💡 that 4 years old and above can DIY with lots of ♥️ heart ♥️ in less than 10 mins (adult’s speed). 大人们10分钟内搞定一张4岁以上的孩子们都可以做的💗爱心💗卡片, 适合各种欢乐的节庆哦。2021年的Teacher’s Day, C 说要跟“婆妈”一起做出很多很多❤️爱心💙美美的+心意满满的卡片送她的老师们。虽然以她们的速度要分成几天完成,最重要的彼此都是乐在其中😉。 

➡️各种颜色纸 - 心形折纸 12x12cm 
➡️画纸的背面半张 - 剪成10X2cm 
➡️剪刀,刀片,胶水,尺 - 有造型剪刀可以用来剪出心形(卡里边的) 

 Basic Tools: 
❤️Dark&light colour A4 paper - Origami heart 11x11cm 
🧡Back of drawing block half piece - cut into 10X2cm 
💛Colour pens, magic water colour pens 
💚Scissors, utility cutter, glue stick, ruler - Can use craft scissors to cut the heart (insides of the card) 
💙Sticky heart shape note pad 
💜Colorful heart stickers 

About Easy Origami Heart Tutorial’s video: 
🌷简单心形折法 Easiest Origami Heart Shape 
🌷冒出心形Pop-up heart 

 ➡️DIY Tools DIY工具: 
👇彩色A4纸 Colourful A4 Papers 
👇手作基本工具店Unicorn Store 
👇多色水彩笔 Magic Colour Pens 
👇切割垫 Cutting Mat 
👇造型剪刀 Craft Scissors 
👇胶水 Glue 
👇 4色心形便条贴纸 Sticky Stick 4 Colours Heart Note
👇心形彩色小贴纸 Colourful Heart Stickers

Friday, May 7, 2021

甜椒炒鸡蛋+清炒小白菜/青江菜Fried eggs with bell pepper + Stir-fried Bok Choy


甜椒炒鸡蛋+清炒小白菜/青江菜Fried eggs with bell pepper + Stir-fried Bok Choy 💗2021的母亲节不一样💗J难得炒了鸡蛋后还特意说要炒青菜给妈咪吃,因为在她们眼里我很爱吃蔬菜🥬😍💖。Every bite is enjoyable once thinking about her “hardworks.” 对大人们而言是太简单的家常菜,但对她来说像是完成了巨大“功课”般重要的事情,除了感动还是感动到不行😘🥰😍 


{材料} 红黄甜椒丁各2汤匙,鸡蛋2粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),小白菜2个(洗净切丝),鸡肉碎(加点酱油和芝麻油腌一下),萝卜丝,蒜碎,和小红葱碎适量。 

{调味料} 鲍鱼汁1茶匙,盐和清水/高汤适量。 

1. 小白菜先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。 
2. 起油锅爆香蒜葱碎,先把甜椒丁翻炒片刻,倒入鸡蛋液炒熟备用。 
3. 再起油锅爆香蒜碎后,加入鸡肉碎炒至变色,加入胡萝卜丝拌炒一下,接着调入适量高汤,鲍鱼汁和一点盐翻炒至汤汁再次煮沸即可。 

Fried eggs with bell pepper + Stir-fried Bok Choy 

{Ingredients} Some Red and yellow bell pepper (diced) x 2 tbsp, eggs x 2 (beaten with soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), bok choy x 2 (shredded), minced chicken(marinade with some soy sauce and sesame oil), some shredded carrots, some chopped garlic and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Abalone sauce x 1 tsp, some salt and water/broth. 

1. Blanch over shredded bok choy with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 
2. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic and shallots till fragrant, add in diced peppers to stir fry a while, add in egg mixture and fry until cooked and set aside. 
3. Heat up another round of oil to saute chopped garlic till fragrant, add in minced chicken to stir fry until change color, add in carrots to stir-fry a while, follow by add in some water/broth, abalone sauce and salt to continue stir-frying until the sauce is boiling again. Serve hot. 

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